Need To Harvest After Flowering For Just 25 Days. Help!

Okay, so I started my first grow a couple of months back, and my two remaining ladies have been flowering for 23 days so far. Unfortunately, I have unexpected company coming this weekend and I cannot risk them finding my grow. I don't have any other options but to harvest early.

I'm curious what the best way to ensure that all of my hard work doesn't go down the drain. At 25 days are they even worth curing? And if so, what's the best way to get the most bang for the buck, so to speak?

Here are a couple of shots I took a few minutes ago. She's covered in bud sites and they're all nice and hairy. The largest is about the diameter of a dime, and probably 3/4" tall...

4-23days2.jpg 4-23days1.jpg



Active Member
i agree with everyone else,id hide them outside or take them to a the time you dry that out,theres not gonna be much to smoke and it might not get you high at all.i had almost the same problem except my plant broke.i was at bout 8weeks flower.dried half and made butter with the other half.the smoke wasnt that great at all bro


Active Member
That won't even get you high. I doubt there are even trichomes present yet. They are way to young. You're best bet is to try to stash them somewhere until your company leaves. Even if it means giving them to a friend or putting them outside like others have said already.
Crisis averted! I forgot about that "one friend" that everyone has... he's going to watch the girls for me this weekend and I'll pick them up Monday. They're gonna get a couple of days under a 250w HPS after being on CFLs their whole lives, so it'll be interesting to see what happens.

Thanks for the responses!


Active Member
Crisis averted! I forgot about that "one friend" that everyone has... he's going to watch the girls for me this weekend and I'll pick them up Monday. They're gonna get a couple of days under a 250w HPS after being on CFLs their whole lives, so it'll be interesting to see what happens.

Thanks for the responses!

lmao! You should let your friend grow them girls!