Need Tray for Drainage to put under Smart Pots


Active Member

I'm using 18" diameter - 15gallon smart pots.
I went ahead and bought 20" circular trays below it to catch the water but found out I will need 22 if not 24 or larger especially since 2 of my 6 plants will be going into a 20 gallon smart pot.

Would anyone know an inexpensive tray or anything I could use that would fit.
I am in a 5x5 grow tent that will have 6 plants for Veg and then when flower time I will be moving two of the 6 into a 2x4 for veg and cloning so will only have 4 plants in 15 gallon containers in my 5x5.

I looked online and found oil pan trays that are $100 so $400 --- don't think so.
If anyone can help that would be great.
Oh and i am in Canada so Home Depot had the perfect tray but not in Canada....

Thank you!!



Well-Known Member
Home depot has 24"x36"x6" cement mixing trays, 21 gal. $13.00... also a smaller 18"x24" tray...
Sorry missed the no HD part... Try to google vacuum formed plastic trays... Somebody must be making large trays...
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