Need urgent help.. Is my plant gonna make it??


Active Member
I'm growing Green House's arjan's ultra haze 1 under a 400W MH in miracle grow potting soil. They're getting about 20 hrs of light a day. The temp in the grow area varies between 78 and 89 degrees, but it is usually at about 82-84 F.

I planted them on 11/17/08 and they didnt really grow as much as they were supposed to so i decided to add two drops of superthrive to my watering schedule (every 3-4 days). I watered them on 12/27 with the two drops of superthrive, then i left them there for about a week, i wasnt home at all during that time. Before i watered them with the superthrive in it, they were growing ok, they were very green, with thick stems and lots of leaves.

Now when i got back to them after that week, thr worst had happened... Most of their leaves turned yellow and shriveled up and died.. The plants looked like they were completely done.. I was in total shock to see this.. How did this happen? Is superthrive to blame? I didnt really use that much, just about two drops.

I have pictures of the strongest one before the superthrive.. CAN THEY BE SAVED?? SHOULD I START ALL OVER FROM SEED? The stems are still strong. I dont know what to do..... I'm just using water now.. I cut off the completely dead dry leaves..

This sucks balls. Please anyone, any help is appreciated!...



Well-Known Member
yeah with soil you ened to be careful and flush every couple weeks , super thrive must have made a salt buildup and nute lockout. be very slim with super thrive , and make sure if you do it from a guide its for soil grows because most stuff is geard toward hydro ok, it doesnt look nute burnt because the usualy pueple stems, could be the super thrive would be ph could by temp the cause it to grow slow

i dont think it will live but i would flush it with 3 x the water of ur pot size very slowly and leave it look sad for 2 weeks , no improvements throw it ouuut


Well-Known Member
and dont use miricle grow , it has releasing nutes that can fuck ur plant because there may have beeen too much mg in the soil , plus super thrive and god knows whta for nutes could be a deadly combo
when using shitty soil you need to factor what elese is in it plus what you add.. be carefull and act quickly


Active Member
I think it is the soil. I have a grow going now with all fox farms except one and that is the only one that looks bad, similar to yours but not as bad. Maybe try to flush it a bit, the old growth will crisp up but as the weeks go by it should get better. The funny thing is the MG soil I am using is suppose to be organic and I can smell chemicals big time. But if you are growing a strain like that I would give it a shot for a few weeks and see what happens. Good luck


Active Member
thanks for the advice projectinfo, does it look like the lights could have burnt them too? My light is about 7-8 inchs away.


Active Member
Is it worth really saving?

How long will it take to recover back to what it was?

Do you recommend i start over?


Well-Known Member
Lesson to self
Easy on the super thrive

Clean them up and remove all dead leaves and shit. Water with plain ph'd water only maybe once every 4 days. No nutes AT ALL...nothing! No super thrive ever again!

Now while your getting that in order, go here and order the right stuff and by the time you order and get the stuff, you'll be well on your way into recovery.


Well-Known Member
The soil would have been fine but you cannot add nutrients to miracle grow soil in the first three months because it's already SATURATED with nutrients. You need to fill up your bathtub enough to completely dunk the pot. PH the water in the tub and let it stand several hours then take the whole pot and dunk it in until it's absolutely soaked. Pull it out and let it drain. Do this four or five times. It'll hopefully suck a lot of the nutrients out and maybe the plant will recover but I would start some seeds just the same. By the time this really comes back your seeds may pass it by in size.

If your plant shows it needs nutrients eventually then ok, go very low on them.

Nest time if you use the same soil all you do is water and let dry, water and let dry. No nutes needed until maybe mid or late flower.


Well-Known Member
Now what i would do but it's alot more work. 2 x flush the plant with 3 time's the soil mass,that's with good water.
use the frist half of the water and water her, then remove the plant with all the care in your life from the pot and pour the other half on the root but now we are trying to remove the soil from the root's and repot in new soil.In about 2 week you'll see her grow like it never happen.2ND flush after you repot in new soil all at ones but take youe time the longer it take the water to pour out the more salt it will remove. MOVE THE LIGHT HIGHER 18"-24" AWAY WILL HELP

You can flush her and hope