needing quality brands of ewc and guanos


Active Member
re-amending some soil needing some names of quality worm castings and guano companies
also taking recommendations on dry fertilizers and dry amendments
@PadawanWarrior has posted great experience with Colorado worm company ewc's purchased through build a soil

I'm a fan of down to earth, and that's what i use for bat guano. I don't use bat guano in my soil, but i do use it for a mid flower top dress

Recommendations for dry fertilizers and dry amendments can vary greatly based on what you're trying to do, so a little more information would be helpful. Are you trying to build a no-till soil?

As for generic recommendations for dry amendments to consider, here are a few:
Down to Earth Bio-live
Insect Frass
Neem Seed Meal
Kelp Meal
Rock Dust (I use basalt, but azomite is sometimes easier to get)
Oyster Shell meal
Agricultural Gypsum
Crustacean meal
@PadawanWarrior has posted great experience with Colorado worm company ewc's purchased through build a soil

I'm a fan of down to earth, and that's what i use for bat guano. I don't use bat guano in my soil, but i do use it for a mid flower top dress

Recommendations for dry fertilizers and dry amendments can vary greatly based on what you're trying to do, so a little more information would be helpful. Are you trying to build a no-till soil?

As for generic recommendations for dry amendments to consider, here are a few:
Down to Earth Bio-live
Insect Frass
Neem Seed Meal
Kelp Meal
Rock Dust (I use basalt, but azomite is sometimes easier to get)
Oyster Shell meal
Agricultural Gypsum
Crustacean meal
You can get $5 off at Build a Soil if you go through this link.

And ya, I'm a fan of Colorado Worm Company. I also really like the Craft Blend dry amendment from BAS. I've already gone through 2 bags so last time I just ordered the bucket.