needing some advice on soil.

Alright, well I plan to have a grow operation outdoors and came to a question regarding soil. I have a bunch of organic soil in bags,around 50 normal size bags and I am wondering if I can mix it with the dirt at the area so that it goes further since i will be planting around 700 plants?Also I want to add some other supplements but what are some ideas like perlite,sand,etc? Thanks in advance


Active Member
How privateis your op? If you doing thatmany plants outdoors on some elses land, the least amount of intrusion and traffic the better... so humping supplies could be an issue... if it is your place how you gonna camo that size a grow? Bigger concerns than guano and worm castings....
Alright well it will be guerilla grow and I have a few good spots. I am thinking of putting a few in corn as well what do you think?An can I build an enclosure so that if the season is not long enough so that they get 12/12 light maybe out of pvc and black tarp/plastic of some sort?


Active Member
you can but you can get bugs that way if your digging holes to plant in than you will have a good idea of what to do