needs nutes or is it lack of light ?


Active Member
So here's some picture of my violator kush it's a month old now, potted in MG soil mixed with perlite, CFL grow. The last 2-3 days she's been suffering with some yellowing of the bottom leaf's. Is it time to start feeding it some nutes ? or could it be from not getting enough light. I've recently added two smaller CFL's around the bottom of the plant but it's kicked the temp up to 30-35'c and that's with a fan on, but I'm going to go buy another little fan tomorrow to help with the temp. I'm switching to flower in two days as space is an issue for me.
I'm like 98% sure that the MG soil i have doesn't have those little time release capsules that break open every time you water, and i have the bio bizz organic nute range.

Thanks for any help



Well-Known Member
How long have they looked like this? They almost look more burned than hungry. I don't know from using it but I've heard mg is a hot soil to grow in. How many total actual, not equivalent, watts are your lights?


Active Member
Mine are a little younger, but look a bit like yours n' also havent started the nutes.
I think u should back off the cfl's a bit and point the fans directly at the tops. 30-35C is too hot.
Another opinion,wait a bit to flower. :)
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
bottom leaves die, it happens. If the uppers are happy dont worry. Maybe, maybe, a 1/4-1/8 dose of nutes. but soil should have a month worth of nutes... my fox farm ocean forest does


Active Member
How long have they looked like this? They almost look more burned than hungry. I don't know from using it but I've heard mg is a hot soil to grow in. How many total actual, not equivalent, watts are your lights?
Only been like for a few days and i have a 150w main light and two smaller 30w ones.

Mine are a little younger, but look a bit like yours n' also havent started the nutes.
I think u should back off the cfl's a bit and point the fans directly at the tops. 30-35C is too hot.
Another opinion,wait a bit to flower.

Good luck!
I'm getting another fan tomorrow to help get the temps down, it hasn't helped that the weather has been really hot pushing up the room temp's

bottom leaves die, it happens. If the uppers are happy dont worry. Maybe, maybe, a 1/4-1/8 dose of nutes. but soil should have a month worth of nutes... my fox farm ocean forest does
it's been about a month now since they first popped through top soil, the soil is treated with MG plant food but i'm thinking it might of all been used up now

Does anyone think they could be signs of N deficiency - i thought the signs for that were "older leafs start yellowing"


Well-Known Member
Lets get this straight growers, nute burn happens to the top and top leaf tips first! Lower leaf problems is deficiency, cal/mag or overwatering, high temps will compound these problems more. Peace
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Active Member
Lets get this straight growers, nute burn happens to the top and top leaf tips first! Lower leaf problems is deficiency, cal/mag or overwatering, high temps will compound these problems more. Peace
thanks for the tip i knew it wasn't nute burn because it only started a few days ago and she's only been having plain water. Gonna start with some weak nutes next watering and feed her once every 3 waterings


Well-Known Member
Biobizz is weak on the cal/mag so if your water dont contain enough get a supplement too. MG isn't the right soil for beginners imo. Peace


Active Member
Biobizz is weak on the cal/mag so if your water dont contain enough get a supplement too. MG isn't the right soil for beginners imo. Peace
I have alg-a-mic which has all that in and some other random plant nutes 'super thrive' i think it's called


Well-Known Member
Ah dose alg-a-mic do cal/mag in it, i never knew really, looked it up but found no reference?


Well-Known Member
I suspect not a lot of cal/mag but a bit. My biobizz leaves me short on cal/mag.

How are the plants and what did you do in the end dude? Peace


Active Member
well i gave it some biobizz grow and it seems to have stopped the yellowing - i cut the affected leaves off so i could see if any new yellowing started and got another fan in there to get the temps down. And she's been alright since, switched to 12/12 yesterday, next time i water I'm gonna give it some alg-a-mic. But i'm not sure what to do about a feeding schedule i know it's gonna start needing some more nutes now it's flowering but i don't wanna over nute it (i've fucked all my plants in the past because of that)


Well-Known Member
Lets get this straight growers, nute burn happens to the top and top leaf tips first! Lower leaf problems is deficiency, cal/mag or overwatering, high temps will compound these problems more. Peace
wtf are you talking about? nute burns always happen on the weaker, smaller single or three bladed leaves first. calcium and potassium defs which can resemble nute burns usually show just under the new foliage.


Well-Known Member
wtf are you talking about? nute burns always happen on the weaker, smaller single or three bladed leaves first. calcium and potassium defs which can resemble nute burns usually show just under the new foliage.
Nute burn, starts out as tip burn with high Nitrogen levels at the top of the plant.

Calcium deficiency starts lower to middle generally and mag similar. Phosphorous def always shows on lower fan leaves, in my opinion anyway.

Was just pointing out that this was definatly not nute burn. Peace


Active Member
wtf are you talking about? nute burns always happen on the weaker, smaller single or three bladed leaves first. calcium and potassium defs which can resemble nute burns usually show just under the new foliage.
Just to say when i had nute burn before it seemed to effect the top of the plant badly more then the bottom. But i'm not good at diagnosing problems but it's just an observation i made on a previous plant.


Active Member
...the blotches in the first pic looks like damage from humidity...

...the dying leaves in the last pic is normal, and mainly due the nitrogen deficiency - the nutes in the lower leaves are drawn out to compensate for any drawbacks...


Well-Known Member
Quite hard to burn your plants with biobizz unless you really overdo it, i feed feed feed feed then maybe a water but i am maxing out the ferts at the moment. Maybe feed, feed water might be more forgiving, biobizz rocks in my opinion. Peace