Neem Oil, 8th Week of Flowering?!


Active Member
Hey Guys,

This is my first grow and i think i made a big mistake. I am growing Nirvana Ice outdoors and my indica leaning pheno is in her 8th week of fowering. I have been spraying neem on her religiously (every 3-5 days) since I discovered mold on her stems and worms in some of her buds (there was a frothy looking liquid which small [bout an inch long] worms were crawling out of). I also had to pick through her buds with tweezers as the worms laid black looking eggs in there. I squashed all that i could find. She also had some grasshoppers and what appeared to be webs on some of her branches, but i think the webs were just from spiders. I didn't really think too much about using neem cause my region is FILLED with insects that love to munch munch munch. It's also very humid here so mold thrives.

Did i destroy my buds by spraying them with neem? Is there anything i can do about it? (she's supposed to finish this week)

Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
Yes! :)

Thank you very much for your help. I wish I could control all those factors, but she's in the great outdoor jungle. I did remove the buds that were badly infested with the worms. She definitely seemed to perk up after that.

Do you find that you get better results indoors?


Active Member
Yes! :)

Thank you very much for your help. I wish I could control all those factors, but she's in the great outdoor jungle. I did remove the buds that were badly infested with the worms. She definitely seemed to perk up after that.

Do you find that you get better results indoors?
Absolutely. Outdoors there are so many bugs, fungi, mold spores. I'm surprised anyone decides to even grow outside honestly. But that's just my opinion. I've seen some good outdoor grown stuff, but its rare and far between. My whole philosiphy is to stress the plant as little as possible, and to provide as much light and stability as possible. I find this produces the best yields and smoothest smoke.
Over the last few years mold has been a real problem for my outdoor plants, especially during those last few weeks of the grow when the dew is heavy evey morning and takes till near midday to evaporate. I have found that neem works good for preventing molds and bugs but ONLY if used sparingly. It coats the entire plant in a filmy/soapy residue that I really dont like so I try to use it no more than once a week and not at all if the humidity is low.