

Well-Known Member
basically where i live now i have 1 side where the neighbour is a total unreasonable irrational judgemental bitch. moment anything happends that she doesn't like she'll complain to housing authroities. etc. Also the type of person to complain about noise, then throw a party a fucking few days later. Basically a complete hypocrite unless it suits her, just dont understand why some people just cant live and let live. My main issue with it is how passive aggressive it is, you'll never know you've somehow annoyed her or pissed her off until you get a letter through the door about her complaining. shes been here for years and as a result, had many conflicts with her, never had this issue with any other neighbour over my existence. Even got to the point,
Go back a year or so ago, if she was really trying to be petty, i'd confront her face to face because i cant be fucked with all that passive aggressive bullshit, rather deal with the situation over a converstion so you know where you stand properly, but always resulted in her instantly being unreasonable and highrate, which has ultimately lead me to dishing it out on her a few times (telling her exactly what i think of her).
Now its pathetic that i have to tread lightly around my own property and (because i have a small grow iswell) be extra cautious about how and when i smoke.
And i just think to myself this is fucking pathetic, all this hassle and stress just because some stupid cow cant come to terms that everybody doesnt have the same name as her and dont live the exact same routines etc. Genuinely wish she'dd stop breathing tomarrow, just a horrible person throughout. found out not long ago is well that she's fallen out with every neighbour surrounding her for similar things, so its not just me.
Do any of you guys have any similar situations with nightmare neighbours?
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basically where i live now i have 1 side where the neighbour is a total unreasonable irrational judgemental bitch. moment anything happends that she doesn't like she'll complain to housing authroities. etc. Also the type of person to complain about noise, then throw a party a fucking few days later. Basically a complete hypocrite unless it suits her, just dont understand why some people just cant live and let live. My main issue with it is how passive aggressive it is, you'll never know you've somehow annoyed her or pissed her off until you get a letter through the door about her complaining. shes been here for years and as a result, had many conflicts with her, never had this issue with any other neighbour over my existence. Even got to the point,
Go back a year or so ago, if she was really trying to be petty, i'd confront her face to face because i cant be fucked with all that passive aggressive bullshit, rather deal with the situation over a converstion so you know where you stand properly, but always resulted in her instantly being unreasonable and highrate, which has ultimately lead me to dishing it out on her a few times (telling her exactly what i think of her).
Now its pathetic that i have to tread lightly around my own property and (because i have a small grow iswell) and be extra cautious about how and when i smoke.
And i just think to myself this is fucking pathetic, all this hassle and stress just because some stupid cow cant come to terms that everybody doesnt have the same name as her and dont live the exact same routines etc. Genuinely wish she'dd stop breathing tomarrow, just a horrible person throughout. found out not long ago is well that she's fallen out with every neighbour surrounding her for similar things, so its not just me.
Do any of you guys have any similar situations with nightmare neighbours?

I have an unfavorable situation with my neighbors across the street. But it actually helps me! Last night me and the gf are sitting watching tv at maybe 6pm. The neighbors across the street are straight trash! They sell something over there... not weed either... there are cars there NON STOP everyday. I don't have a problem with this as they draw all the attention to them! Lol. But every here and again their "custi's" will sit outside and continuously beep their horn... BEEP... BEEP BEEP... BEEEEEEEEEP... typically I wouldn't even bother but this mfkr would not stop.. too lazy to walk upstairs and get whoever they were beeping for. I went outside to say something and next thing you know they are yelling at me like I was beeping a fucking horn! I was so tempted to go shove my Sig p320 40 cal down the guys fucking throat but had to withdraw the urge due to my grow lol
I have an unfavorable situation with my neighbors across the street. But it actually helps me! Last night me and the gf are sitting watching tv at maybe 6pm. The neighbors across the street are straight trash! They sell something over there... not weed either... there are cars there NON STOP everyday. I don't have a problem with this as they draw all the attention to them! Lol. But every here and again their "custi's" will sit outside and continuously beep their horn... BEEP... BEEP BEEP... BEEEEEEEEEP... i went outside to say something and next thing you know they are yelling at me like I was beeping a fucking horn! I was so tempted to go shove my Sig p320 40 cal down the guys fucking throat but had to withdraw the urge due to my grow lol
thats my problem haha now i've got a grow, feel pretty powerless in the situation now to defend myself properly if she ever tries to be petty. Feels like doing anything to defend myself will kick up too much dust nowadays for what its worth.
thats my problem haha now i've got a grow, feel pretty powerless in the situation now to defend myself properly if she ever tries to be petty. Feels like doing anything to defend myself will kick up too much dust nowadays for what its worth.

I wouldn't worry so much so long as you own the property...
I wouldn't worry so much so long as you own the property...
unfortunately i dont. Thats one of the worries. I dont get checkups though (lived here for 15 years now and dont think ever had a single checkup other than bloke checking the boiler once every couple years. But yeah it just adds to the paranoia a little bit as ontop if i was to get caught chances are i'd lose my home, and literally the only way i can possibly everr see myself getting caught is through that cow next door.
unfortunately i dont. Thats one of the worries. I dont get checkups though (lived here for 15 years now and dont think ever had a single checkup other than bloke checking the boiler once every couple years.
Not sure where you live but im in the States and if you rent, by law a landlord is REQUIRED to give his tenant/s 24 hours notice before entering the property. At least in the state I live in.
yeah same here. they cant just rock up to my house and demand to come in. (im the the UK) by law they have to give i think 24 or 48 hours notice. so worse comes to worse i gotta dismantle everything and start from scratch on that espect. But its the police that worry, as you know its rare they give you notice haha

and ofcourse over the years she's complained countless times about smell of weed when i smoke. But kidna dawned on me when i found out her close relative is becoming a officer on whether i should be alarmed about that or not...
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My downstairs neighbors are fucking assholes. We've had our run-ins over the years, until it got to the point the they were making false noise complaints to the building's management, presumably in an effort to get me evicted. So, I made an appointment with the property manager at her office and stopped to buy a dozen Dunkin' Donuts for her and the staff on my way to the meeting. I explained to her that I know that she cannot tell me who the complaints are coming from, but that I knew it was my neighbor below me. I told her about our run-ins and how we grew to dislike each other, and that I knew this was the only neighbor who ever complained about me. She listened and smiled knowingly, and stated that she has seen this dynamic before. I told her that I hated the idea of her being harassed with these false noise complaints, so I then proposed this idea - from now on each noise complaint should be accompanied by a phone video as proof. That way she could verify the time, and the sound level. I told her if she requested this from the neighbor, she would never receive another noise complaint about me. And she never has...
My downstairs neighbors are fucking assholes. We've had our run-ins over the years, until it got to the point the they were making false noise complaints to the building's management, presumably in an effort to get me evicted. So, I made an appointment with the property manager at her office and stopped to buy a dozen Dunkin' Donuts for her and the staff on my way to the meeting. I explained to her that I know that she cannot tell me who the complaints are coming from, but that I knew it was my neighbor below me. I told her about our run-ins and how we grew to dislike each other, and that I knew this was the only neighbor who ever complained about me. She listened and smiled knowingly, and stated that she has seen this dynamic before. I told her that I hated the idea of her being harassed with these false noise complaints, so I then proposed this idea - from now on each noise complaint should be accompanied by a phone video as proof. That way she could verify the time, and the sound level. I told her if she requested this from the neighbor, she would never receive another noise complaint about me. And she never has...
Yeah, i had exact same stunt pulled on me about a year ago, received a complaint claiming sounds of "drilling/construction" was being made at late hours...and i haven't so much as drilled or hung up a shelf for the past 3 years, and my household is very quiet. so i know it was just another pathetic attempt and stab to have me gone. I called up the council about it and they wouldnt tell me exactly, but made is pretty clear it was the bitch next door. Haha sounds very similar to your situtation!