neil armstrong has died at 82


Well-Known Member

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. astronaut, Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, has died at the age of 82, U.S. media reported on Saturday.
Armstrong underwent a heart-bypass surgery earlier this month, just two days after his birthday on August 5, to relieve blocked coronary arteries.
As commander of the Apollo 11 mission, Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969. As he stepped on the moon's dusty surface, Armstrong said: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
The Apollo 11 moon mission turned out to be Armstrong's last space flight. The following year he was appointed to a desk job, being named NASA's deputy associate administrator for aeronautics in the office of advanced research and technology.
He left NASA a year later to become a professor of engineering at the University of Cincinnati.
The former astronaut lived in the Cincinnati area with his wife, Carol.
(Reporting by Sandra Maler; Editing by Philip Barbara)


Ursus marijanus
My favorite Armstrong anecdote (even if it didn't stand up to the scrutiny of historians) has to be this. cn

40 years after man’s historic landing on the moon… and here’s one of the coolest stories I read outside of all the other historical achievements.
On July 20, 1969, commander of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module, Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. His first words after stepping on the moon, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”, were televised to Earth and heard by millions. But just before he re-entered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark:
“Good luck, Mr. Gorsky.” Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian or American space programs. Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as to what the “Good luck Mr. Gorsky” statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled. On July 5, 1995, in Tampa Bay, Florida, while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26 year old question to Armstrong. This time he finally responded. Mr. Gorsky had died and so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the question.
In 1938 when he was a kid in a small Midwest town, he was playing baseball with a friend in the backyard. His friend hit a fly ball, which landed in his neighbor’s yard by the bedroom windows. His neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky.
As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky. “A blowjob! You want a blowjob?! You’ll get a damn blowjob when the kid next door walks on the moon!”
Upon further research, I unfortunately found out that this story is mere fiction. But still a very fun and inspiring read! What impossible feat will you accomplish in your lifetime??!!?!? =)


New Member
Bah, posted this in the random thread, always late on the news lol.

Just like his footprint, his legacy will never be forgotten, he lived the greatest life ever.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, its obvious the article is wrong. everyone knows Sting was the first man to walk on the moon, not Neil Young


Active Member
Who filmed them coming out the capsual why was the fag flutering in the wind and yet the footprints still sat there ????????

Just thought i would ask.

1 no one was there to film them yet there is film of them exiting the capsual.
2 the flag blowing in the wind yet there is no wind.
3 if there was wind how is his foot print still there

This is not a conspiracey these are facts.


Ursus marijanus
Who filmed them coming out the capsual why was the fag flutering in the wind and yet the footprints still sat there ????????

Just thought i would ask.

1 no one was there to film them yet there is film of them exiting the capsual.
2 the flag blowing in the wind yet there is no wind.
3 if there was wind how is his foot print still there

This is not a conspiracey these are facts.
For Apollo 11, the only film was from either a lander-mounted camera or handhelds used by Neil and Buzz.
The flag was not blowing in any wind ... it used a wire to hold the banner up. Upon ascent stage launch, there was a mighty gust of wind, but it came from the rocket engine. They brought it with them.
Finally, the footprint is there because weathering on the moon is very very slow, and it happens entirely by a micrometeoroid impact mechanism called "gardening". It's why only the youngest craters are crisp ... the older ones have that rounded worn look from "gardening". After a few million years, the bootprints will fade into unrecognizability. cn


Active Member
Just asking remember when they [landed] on the moon back then the people were not so smart to ask ?? and the media would not ask the ??.


Ursus marijanus
Just asking remember when they [landed] on the moon back then the people were not so smart to ask ?? and the media would not ask the ??.
We have great film from the other five lander missions. It helped address those questions. The vid of the guys driving around in the rover, spraying dust in neat arcs, is beyond faking imo. cn


Active Member
For Apollo 11, the only film was from either a lander-mounted camera or handhelds used by Neil and Buzz.
The flag was not blowing in any wind ... it used a wire to hold the banner up. Upon ascent stage launch, there was a mighty gust of wind, but it came from the rocket engine. They brought it with them.
Finally, the footprint is there because weathering on the moon is very very slow, and it happens entirely by a micrometeoroid impact mechanism called "gardening". It's why only the youngest craters are crisp ... the older ones have that rounded worn look from "gardening". After a few million years, the bootprints will fade into unrecognizability. cn
Hand held cameras hahahahahahaha you see the size of the gloves they were wearing how the fuk they gona depress the buttons?

The flag fluters on the wind no wire holding shite you see them being filmed from a distance they are jumping around the dirt they kick up blowes around.
How did the film get through the radiation in the atmosfear of earth without being demagnatised ?


Ursus marijanus
Hand held cameras hahahahahahaha you see the size of the gloves they were wearing how the fuk they gona depress the buttons?

The flag flutters on the wind no wire holding shite you see them being filmed from a distance they are jumping around the dirt they kick up blowes around.
How did the film get through the radiation in the atmosfear of earth without being demagnatised ?
Are you sure this is Apollo 11 video? Apollo 12 brought a color camera that would have been set up on a stand, but they accidentally pointed it at the sun on setup and zoeched the vidicon tube. I'm guessing you're decribing footage from Apollos 14 through 17.

You're beginning to ask the same tired loaded questions that are typical of the moon landing = hoax crowd. This is an instance where I am on a pretty firm footing, and can discharge them one by one ... but I must be convinced that you'd really listen and not merely be waiting to jump up and yell HAAH gotcha!

There is extensive documentation about the cameras and about the flag's motions and about where the radiation belts were relative to trajectory and and and. If you Google it with an emphasis on staying away from the more awful conspiracy sites that celebrate bad use of reason ... I'm willing to wager you'll be surprised and impressed.
But you'd have to want to learn, and not simply be looking to grind an axe. cn


Active Member
Ahh so what you are saying is only listen to the masess.

As for the radiation no they could not prove shit about where they could break through the as you put it belts as they did not have the tecnoegey to get through never mind pinpoint where it would be safe to do so.

But for the landing yes it is apolo 11.

Like i will say back then people where mushrooms keped in the dark and fed on shit and the smart people where being supprest and made to look the fool.

Your government had to boost American spirit during the cold war as the popularity for the hatred of the USSR was faining.


Active Member
Ahh so what you are saying is only listen to the masess.

As for the radiation no they could not prove shit about where they could break through the as you put it belts as they did not have the tecnolegey to get through never mind pinpoint where it would be safe to do so.

But for the landing yes it is apolo 11.

Like i will say back then people where mushrooms keped in the dark and fed on shit and the smart people where being supprest and made to look the fool.

Your government had to boost American spirit during the cold war as the popularity for the hatred of the USSR was faining.


Ursus marijanus
Ahh so what you are saying is only listen to the masess.

As for the radiation no they could not prove shit about where they could break through the as you put it belts as they did not have the tecnolegey to get through never mind pinpoint where it would be safe to do so.

But for the landing yes it is apolo 11.

Like i will say back then people where mushrooms keped in the dark and fed on shit and the smart people where being supprest and made to look the fool.

Your government had to boost American spirit during the cold war as the popularity for the hatred of the USSR was faining.
No; not "the masses" ... it isn't a hard binary choice between believing it's a hoax or being a sheep.
The best thing to do is read up on aerospace engineering ... that's been something of a hobby of mine. The engineering and physics are universal and easily checked.
I would be interested in your source for a claim I'd never heard: that they did not have the technology to map the radiation belts. Prior to Apollo, there were many high-orbit and lunar (Ranger, Surveyor) missions that did just that.
I understand the circumstantial arguments about media and Cold War and and ... but I've seen Apollo hardware up close&personal, and gotten to speak with folks who worked the program. No flightline folks, unfortunately.
I believe that the Apollo flights did exactly what was claimed of them, and I can tell you I'm not easily taking anyone's word for it. A lifetime of amateur study of space and aerospace leads me to conclude that it did happen as promised and told. But to you, that can be no more than ... my opinion. cn