Nemo sets sail! A white widow outdoor grow (2009)


wassup everybody this is my 1st grow journal but not my 1st grow....more like 2nd lol. im mainly looking for pointers for a novice grower and ill give as much detail as i can so you all can help me out.

im using schultz soil (3 parts) and black kow compost (1 part) in five gallon pots. theyre roughly 2 weeks old and i started them in peat pots but went ahead and moved them to their final pots. i water them every three days (unless it rains, which is often here), but have no idea when or even what nutes to use. i have 5 in their final pots right now and 3 in peats that i intend to do SOG with.

if anyone cares to know or was going to ask....the seeds came from bcseeds. its the "all new white widow" so theres no telling whats gonna happen lol. heres to a good summer grow! wish me luck

pics were taken today courtesy of my blackberry....they werent all planted at the same time though thats why i say roughly 2 wks old but they were planted within a week of each other


this is the biggest one at 3 wks. the weather hasnt been very agreeable with my gameplan to water them every 3 days. it wont stop raining long enough for me to see how fast they drink the water. not only that, but my soil doesnt drain as well as i thought it would and as you can see my babies are suffering :( is transplanting to better draining soil the best option in this case? the soil im using now with them is completly saturated with water......

here are the others, with an overall shot. it looks like one isnt gonna make it though.....

and...the family portrait of the week


going on wk4....slow but steady will win the race haha. ill start using ferts next week so hopefully ill see a little growth spurt after awards. the plant i said would die eventually did and i replaced it with another, the others recovered fine from the watering situation but you can see the scars on the lower leaves. subtracting the one that replaced the fallen white widow i still have two in peats left that im going to put in foxfarms soil to compare the difference in growth from the others.

this is the replaced plant

here are a few pics of a plant ive been messing with for a few months. ive just been using it for supercropping practice and its been pretty fun. ive got 8 growing tips right now on it and im starting to get the hang of it



So yeah.....after a brief hiatus from riu, I have an update. The ladies have grown quite a bit and I think we're at about day 51. The plants finally adapted to the weather about a week after my last post, but that's also also about the time I got some ferts (fox farms BB). I'm still trying to get an idea of how much I can give to the gang before it starts harming them. The tolerance level varies from plant to plant. I put 4 small spoonfuls of BB in one gallon of water. Right now I just give them a dosage once a week....I can't even call it a watering because I don't even water them anymore since it rains so damn much around here. The longest it's gone without raining here is about 3 days all summer. Makes the process a little more natural I guess lol. I also started to try supercropping on the three biggest ladies a few days ago. I've got mixed results so far, on two of them I bent the stem too much and you can see the signs of stress on them. The other one responded well and is looking fantastic...well,almost. Some kind of bug is slowly muching away at it, but I can never catch the critter in the act! The plant grows so fast though that it's hard to notice the damage until you really look at it,but it's definitely a concern. Other than that, everything is gravy. Even the two in peats started shooting up from the BB bit still no roots coming out of the bottom. I'm trying to wait until then before I make the final transplant, but I don't want to wait too long. Check em out
you can see the stress on bad buddy
I bent the stem on this one a little too far I think, as you can see by the signs of stress.
this one is quickly becoming the star of the show. You can see the damage from pests. The weirdest thing is that this is the only one that is being targeted by insects! Weird for real.
this one was the test subject (sounds bad lol). It turned out to be female so it's starting to get pistils all over. I don't expect too much cuz it's bagseed and it's pretty small, but it's a nice bonus still.
and here are the two runts. They're looking really healthy and are really starting to take off.

This iPhone is really kool... I just did everything for this post on it, photobucket and all!

Oh yeah... I meant the grow big stuff not big bloom!


Got a lil update. Turns out that my good friend just got arrested and it looks like he won't be back for a while. We were comparing the growth of our wws to each others but I took his three for him so hopefully they can be close to finishing by the time he gets home instead of having died. The weren't in the best growing conditions to begin with and the soil looks almost like pure dirt so I transplanted the healthiest looking one with my remaining soil and placed on the windowsill next to my peats. The other are staying outside because I don't have anymore soil to transplant them right now and I don't want pests crawling out of th soil into my house. With 11 white widows, I'm sure that I'll be a happy young man this winter if The bunch keep up the good work. I also gave the new members about 150 ml of gb since that soil is really crappy. He didn't want to use ferts at first but these guys look to be on the brink of not making it if something isn't done. I also am going to use ferts on them a little more than the others since the soil is so bleh to balance it out a little. Get home soon!

this is the healthiest one

here's the other two. he started to do the supercropping technique as well. i might top them and/or lst them to compare the results.


Quick break from work.....I noticed something crazy today that I'd never seen today before ever in my life. So I was checking on my peats that I have on a windowsill in the house that gets alot of light. It was just after sunrise and the light hadn't reached the plants on the otherside of the sill so I moved them into the direct light and when I did this one of the plants literally started trembling for about 30 mins I kid you not! I doubt anyone will tell me what it was since I've only been talking to myself this entire grow journal.....speaking as a noob it sucks to see ppl aren't more willing to giv out pointers or any kind of constructive critisicm. Oh well more pics up wedsnday.


im thinking i might have solved the mystery bug problem! i was putting some ferts in this morning and readjusting the plants that i am training when i found a small caterpillar under one of the fan leaves. i never did check under the leaves that much before so now i know to make that a habit. everything else is great. im starting to get this a little better and how you actually do have to "care" for them.


yeah everything has been pretty good now. these plants dont need much attention at all....i see why ppl say this is a good plant for begginers now! i think about them all day while im at work hoping the 95 degree sun doesnt toast them to a crisp (it peaked around 104 today.....)

the only minor problem i had this week (besides those blasted caterpillars....havent seen anymore though) was this morning when i was a little rough with two of the HST'd widows and actually split the stems wide open! i was slightly worried about it until some good folks here reassured it was gonna be ok.

as for the ferts, i gave them another dosage today of gb as id plannned to. besides me going through the growing pains of using ferts for the 1st time, the widows have shown very little signs of nute burn. i upped the concentration a little (5 plastic spoons to a gal of water)
but only gave them about half strength as i diluted that mix with straight bottled water. i think within the next two weeks or so ill start giving them the full strength treatment twice a week and see how that goes.

as for my friends plants, one died a few days ago but the others are looking great since the 1st time i gave them ferts. i bet his will end up looking better than mine with all the crap theyve gone through with the terrible weather the 1st few weeks lol but its all love this was more or less a joint op between us but i have the better growing locale on my side. his plants are just starting to get the 5 flora fan leaves. mine range from 3 to 7 i believe....i hope i get one with 9 that will be kool haha

after my little caterpillar ordeal, this is the healthiest plant. lookin good.....lookin good

these two are the ones i damaged this can tell by the slumping groing tips. im pretty sure theyll be ok though ill have to see what they look like in the morning.

battle scars from the caterpillar saga...still my fave though. since these are from bcseeds, if any of these look to be a real widow its definitely this one....dont want to speak on it too soon though. this is the only one ive come up with a name for so far.....Star!

even the runt of the litter is starting to come up!

these are my friends two. they sure do like them some grow big......the bottom one grew so fast that it completley straightened out the 90 degree bend in the stem! i think it was trying to tell me something so im letting this one grow without training

and here is ms lady. judging by the development id say im somewhere around 3 weeks? thats a complete guess....i never though this would be a female in the first place because i tinkered with it so much and intentionally stressed it to learn from it. im not even using any nutes but i will be using molasses to see how that works out by the end of the week.

my only real concern is that i have no idea when to expect them to start flowering. seeing as to how this one just burst into flower has been really irking me because it happened in the middle of july out of nowhere. i have this one in the same spot as the rest yet they dont flower (thankfully so)? if i could get another month of veg i would be more than happy but i doubt it...........heres to hoping!


Oh yes, it's about to get good from here on out. Finally went ahead and got some FF OF soil and moved the two little guys into 5 and 7 gallon containers. One about that STINKS....BAD. I opened up the bag and didn't take a whiff but the smell straight punched me in my nose lol....I now have a headache. I'm very happy with how everything has been going and this next month is sure to be a blast. For the better looking peat, I decided to try a form of lst using twine rope so I'm really excited to see how it turns out. My hst'd widows look pretty grotesque to say the least but new growth is happening everywhere on them! This pre-lst'd peat looks to have a brighter future than even Star and since it is better equipped to really flourish I expect big things from it and the other one. I'm also starting to gameplan on my first indoor grow after this one. I've narrowed it down to three strains (I think....) between AK-47, Blueberry or Blue Cheese, and L.A. Confidential. This is all just so much fun! I would post pics but it's been raining heavily lately and I'm feeling lazy haha so I'm out!


Well we're at wk 9 and boy....these things are going to take over pretty soon if they keep on the pace that they are going. They grow so fast now its almost crazy. I dont even worry about nute burn anymore with the bunch they can take it full strength now no problem. every widow is making leaps and bounds in growth every day so i guess the pics will start speaking for themselves!

this one is starting to get pretty big in a hurry.........:)

good growth in the middle as well.....very healthy looking!

Star is becoming a bushy monster. i want to spread the canopy to the other side to complete the look. also has 9 flora now

Here is a shot of some of Star's HST

Here is another of the HST'd bunch. nowhere near as bushy as Star, but still looking good

this one is staring to spread out more evenly and im starting to like where this is going.

the runt wont be the runt much longer lol

here is the lst'd fella. i liked this idea of using rope and it looks to be a promising one. now that i see what quality soil drains, feels, and even smells like its a no brainer why this stuff is so highly recommended.

my friends plants grow just as fast as mine!

and heres a group shot of my seven. pretty soon the close ups wont even be necessary. Great summer so far and this journal doesnt look too bad either. At least someone took the time to give it a rating...many thanks!


Well-Known Member
Nice job, looks like your on the right track.

I use FF soil myself, and it's kinda like that old joke: "Why are divorce's so expensive? Because they're worth it!" LOL!

You will learn much from this grow that will help you next year!

Good luck, keep it up!


Active Member
hey i had to comment uve done so much work for ppl to see and no one is commenting..... im no pro but im on my way and so are you lookin good... the more problems u encounter ur first grow the year ull be a pro .. keep up the good work!


well im a little aggravated because i had to do this big update all over we go:wall:

basically i wrote an essay on how amazed i am by the growth of these plants every day. it was some damn good writing too! haha oh well ill just hit the dutch a lil harder next puff.

ill just throw up the pics and let them speak for pretty sure you'll hear them just fine!

sorry its lacking the usual detail this post.....big shout out to the members who took the time to leave some uplifting words, it serves as motive to get even better.


Wassup world! got a quick update to finish out this week. i was still pissed about that last post for a while so i left out a lot of detail but it looks like the bunch is starting to flower. i noticed little pistils at the top of the hst'd widows yesterday. i was sad a little at first because i would have loved at least a half foot more of growth but once again this is no one's fault but mine. Today i guess woke up on the right side of the bed because i realized how much i want to see the bud of the widow in person! as you may know this is my first time growing my own top-shelf thrax so im actually more interested in seeing what prime bud is supposed to look like when its not bagged up coming off the streets....never mind the fact that it could be anything and not what the dealer says.... but i digress. i went to the very local hydro store (so convenient.....the guys there have been excellent in helping me out with my grow. its funny cuz i KNOW they know what time it is with me hahaha when a young black guy walks in the store in a black wifey and some ed hardy shorts im pretty sure theyve realized im not a tomato gardener but they never give me shit in fact help me with a smile on their face. kool stuff.) and picked up some tiger bloom. im starting them into it on the light side (for them anyway) at 4 teaspoons to a gallon. 200ml to see how they like the stuff until monday then ill add some more. ill keep you posted on male to female ratio but it already looks like at least one of the 4 hst'd widows are male. im still deciding what to do with the males when the time comes because i would love to have an arsenal of these seeds on deck but i dont want to fuck with the harvest in any way. be easy till the next update folks!


Ive been away sooo doesn't let up it seems haha I've been Really busy with stuff other than my remaining girls but I need to make an update cuz a lot has happened since the last post. To start things off, for all the praise I have to give to bcseeds for being legit I have a lot less of it to give when it comes to the male/female ratios. Out of the small army of 11 healthy plants I had at one point only 4 came out female (3 of mine, one of my friends). I thought it was newbie growing mistake but the crazy thing is that only the ones that I supercropped turned out female.....real head scratcher there, but I could even live with that. What I can't live with? THESE DAMN PESTS RAPING MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLS. it turns out about a week ago I found these white larvae that would float to the top of the soil when I watered my plants. I got semi- alarmed and did the dawn dishsoap deal and thought everything would be ok......a day and a half later I see my smallest girl tipped over but still on the soil. I scoop the top of the soil out and I promised it looked like they threw a block-party in the pot! The plant died a few days later and I took some of the critters to the pest control store and tell me I have.....subterranean termites? They tell me they won't kill my plants but I clearly saw otherwise. Turns out direct pot to earth contact is a big no no and invites pest from all a block-party haha. Needles to say I put the remaining pots I'm chairs to stop more from coming in and did a small flush with some go gnats solution but clearly didn't work because they're still there. I went to the hydro store and they said the most they would really do is shift around grow media in the pot which would lead to the plant tipping over....on to better news though! The remaining three are doing great and took very well to the tiger bloom/molasses mix that I give them. They're starting to get a heavy smell outside too....I got some big bloom as well but I'm holding off on any more ferts until I flush some more to get rid of the remaining termites....that sounds so damn funny.....termites in the soil, ha. So yeah I'll snap some pics after this post to show my gorgeous girls.