Neon leaves !


Well-Known Member
Is this from being too close to the light? Or a nutritional problem. I have 3 of them like this under 600w hps enhanced bulbs. All of the plants germinated 5–16 and then transplanted into their 5 gal pots and Put on 12/12 4 weeks ago. Soil is ocean forest/castings/guano and watered with areated teas. Please post your thoughts.



Active Member
It could be both...
Light bleaching can occur if the plant canopy is too close to the light. How far is your light from the top of the plants?

It could also be the beginning of a deficiency. What are you feeding them? How much and how often?


Well-Known Member
It could be both...
Light bleaching can occur if the plant canopy is too close to the light. How far is your light from the top of the plants?

It could also be the beginning of a deficiency. What are you feeding them? How much and how often?
Probably 6" from the light. Canopy temperature around 76ish cuz I keep the room 68-70. Feeding is organic with areated rainwater teas with fulvic acid, molasses guano and work bone meal into the top 2" of soil. Usually twice a week or whenever the pots get light


Well-Known Member
Give them some proper nutrients, not your hippy dippy bullshit maybe.
Here's some more "hippie dippy" bullshit for you beepotron. A buttload of Dutch passion Orange bud, blueberry and Mekong high. Not bad for a noob's 2nd grow. So yeah I have questions like everyone else here.



Active Member
Probably 6" from the light. Canopy temperature around 76ish cuz I keep the room 68-70. Feeding is organic with areated rainwater teas with fulvic acid, molasses guano and work bone meal into the top 2" of soil. Usually twice a week or whenever the pots get light
Here's an easy way to tell if the light is too close to the tops of your plant. Place your hand, palm side down, over the top of a plant and hold it there for about a minute. If the heat is too uncomfortable on the top of your hand, then the light is too close to the plant.. raise the light until the heat is ok on the top of your hand. If it's hot to your hand, just think how hot it is for the plant.

Have you ever considered pH'ing your feeding mixture? The reason I ask is that the average rainwater pH is between 4.3 and 5.6.. this is a pretty low pH to have as a base for your mixture... I'm not saying your rainwater is within these parameters, but it would be beneficial to know your average rainwater pH. Low pH locks out phosphorus and can cause many other different deficiencies, even total nutrient lock-out, to happen in plants.

What are the N-P-K values of the guano and bone meal that you use? Bone meal is a slow-release fertilizer with a good amount of phosphorus in it. Mycorrhizae are needed in the medium to break down the phosphorus so the plant can use it.


Well-Known Member
Worm castings are 1-0-0 guano is 0-14-0 bone meal is 3-11-0. Water ph is 7.7 just now. Seems lacking now in K but out of 9 plants 5 are ok, all seem to have lots of bud sites filling out. But I'm going to take your advice about lifting the light up. I have mycorrhizal granular now. Can u work that into the top of the soil? What's your take on adding some floranova bloom? Would that mess with the bio going on in the soil. Thanks for the time



Well-Known Member
bone meal takes several weeks to break down to a level that plants can absorb. it doesn't absorb quickly. try to take photos white light that are close up. it's actually bacteria that break down bone meal to a smaller level.
this is probably more of a nutrient issue than anything else.