Nepalese Highland / better than nothing


Well-Known Member
So i harvested my Nepalese Highland sativa tops. Too early, but the weather has been shitty for weeks, with forecast for the same to come. So, I just harvested to prevent mold, and keep what little the plant has produced from getting ruined.
Typical sativa growth pattern, long running buds, with small- medium yield. I am looking on the bright side of things. It's pretty potent, with an active buzz. It's always a little more free some than ya had before :bigjoint:
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Well-Known Member
001.JPG Nepali buds, minus some pinching, here and there. Undoubtedly this strain would only reach its potential in an area suitable for this Sativa ( Like Nepal), for example. Still, it's pretty potent, more so than Paradise Seeds' Durga Mata II med strain. Wish it yielded more. The bottom buds didn't produce, because of a lack of light. Been pinching for weeks now, so the total yield was a bit more. Ehh, free smoke nonetheless - :joint:
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's not much, but at least the quality is good. Got a Delahaze from Paradise Seeds under a MH Lamp a few days into flower :joint: