Nev bill 374 s


Well-Known Member
I am looking for Nevada patients to help stop parts of this law before it screws us all. It will not allow for any patient collectives, it ends growing for yourself. and it is only going to benefit the dispensaries. The patients are getting thrown under the bus and we have to start writing the state assembly and demanding that we be heard and part of the democratic process of creating the new law and rules. I will be consulting with a lobbyist that is going to help us get our concerns addressed and we are trying to get the media involved so please voice your concerns and state if you want to be on the record. City Life Magazine is considering taking the story because they were not aware of our needs and of the high ass prices which most people can't afford. We need patient collectives and reasonable prices, and be able to help the sick and poor. All patients should have the right to grow their meds which will not be the case if the law is implemented the way it is currently written. Trading seeds or clones will also be illegal and growing without a license will be a felony. Patients that can't afford the high prices of the dispensary and don't have the right to grow their own will take that chance and we have to fight this. After April of 2014 new patients will not be able to grow and that is when patients will become criminals and prosecuted as such and I can't watch that happen.