Never ceases to amaze me!

Gotta ask…why were you dropping beans outdoors in the fall? Was this one of those “let’s see what happens” experiments?
I get lots of volunteers every year, because I intentionally pollinate a cola of almost every plant I grow. I found this seed on the one plant that had almost no leaf septoria and put it in that pot, because no other plants are near there. My first year growing outdoors I sprouted all my plants outdoors in beds, it was great, no hardening off issues and they all showed gender early but didn't go into flower. I had about a 75% germination rate, the only issue was digging up the seedlings and potting them, but I didn't lose any. I kept this one, so far, because I really like the stem rub and the structure and the mom was really good smoke. And it is in a spot where it can finish if it is a fem. And it isn't in the way if it isn't very good. I shouldn't mess with it, as virtually every volunteer I have grown out was a waste of time, but none of them have impressed me as much as this one.
How tough cannabis plants are! I planted this seed last fall and it came up in early March, here in Oklahoma. I have not covered it ever, and it hit 24 last night and 27 the night before. It is sulking a bit but it will be fine! View attachment 5381695
Glad to see you getting an early start. What part of Oklahoma are you in? We are in N.E. Tulsa county and it looks like a good time to start, at least to drop seeds.

That's all the encourgment I needed to move some outside this weekend. There are three that could go out now. It's been warm enough that just a little extra looking over them they could get a teally early start. If not there are more seeds.
Glad to see you getting an early start. What part of Oklahoma are you in? We are in N.E. Tulsa county and it looks like a good time to start, at least to drop seeds.

That's all the encourgment I needed to move some outside this weekend. There are three that could go out now. It's been warm enough that just a little extra looking over them they could get a teally early start. If not there are more seeds.
This was a special circumstance, I'm just now sprouting stuff I will put outside around June 1st. Aint no hurry, don't want anything flowering too early. In my experience, plants growing from seed and sprouted outdoors don't generally go into flower too soon and then reveg.