New acronyms for GOP?

last I heard, trump* was telling his deranged base that Jews were paying migrants to INVADE us even after two synagogue massacres inspired by that very neo nazi conspiracy theory

Oh word? Didn’t take him for the type. With the Jewish son in law and the funny hats and wall smooching
can i give half a like. i think most of the worst of the GOP are closeted

Not all Evangelicals are bad.

Unlike you I have faith everyone can change. I did. Except for you.

I have almost no hope you will, because you're a....
People do change

You used to annoy everyone by constantly telling everyone and anyone about how you were an autistic vegan

Now all you talk about is how you can totally pull off a more efficient and lethal massacre whenever you’re not spamming us with the alt right neo nazi youtube videos that radicalized you