New aero grow.. Auto blueberry five days from seed, very light in color. Help ! Pics.

So here she is. auto bb sprouted christmas day. They look alright to me except a little light in color. The PH is between 5.8 - 6.0 I have added an extra 42w cfl and air pump to it but no nutes. leaves look a little droopy, but then again. this is my first aerogarden grow so maybe thats what its supposed to look like ? i dunno ? Lemme know if you have any advice or opinions about the set up or if she looks healthy or not.
thanks to all. happy newyear ! :peace:


Light? -check (24/7 with auto blue right?)
PH? -check
Temp? -check
Fresh Water/Air -check
Nutrients? -check (none for now)

Relax and let nature kick in. As long as you control the above environmental issues to recommended levels, things should be fine.
Light - im running 20/4
Ph - 5.8 - 6.0
Temp - top of leaves 81 (temp of water 74)
Distilled water/ air- yes
Nutes - now i just found out there was some pre mixed nutes left in the bottom of the spray bottle used to fill the res.
so little that i thought it would be useless to mention, that being said I now think it's nute burn. I starting to see little bron spots and becoming more yellow.
I flushed res out and wiped with a paper towel refilled with ph'd distilled water and watching and watching.......and watching.... lol