New and need help


Active Member
Hi every1 im am new to growin marijuana but :joint:have been smoken sence I was 13:joint:. I would like to know how do yall learn about all the strains?


Well-Known Member
Well im new too but i learned alot by reading stuff in this Amazing forum just search for the info and if you REALLY caint find it ask the ppl.


Well-Known Member
You can read up on them at any of the places that sell them, but the best way is to then take that information and start growing some of them and compare for yourself. Keep on growing a few at a time until you've had enough. (Which never really happens, you can never try enough and there's always new ones.)

They generally only fall into two categories anyway, indica and sativa, the differences beyond that are more subtle.


Active Member
Thankz alot I am workin on my first plant now, I chose white rhino, but my next grow goner be chocolate thai because ive been lookin for it sence I started smoken. Look for my grow log soon, if I get a female which I should have atleast one. :weed: