New at this and I need help nobody's answering in Newbie section


Active Member
I noticed my plant wasn't locking in roots so I took it out to redistribute it. While I was doing that it fell into the lower chamber of my dripper system where the water and the nutirents are and sank. I recovered it quickly however, had to use my hands because the tweezers weren't working. I finally got it rerooted. Will this harm the plant in any way?


Active Member
How can I tell if it survives, will it just grow still? Do you know if the chances are in my favor? Thank you I appreciate it


Active Member
Like fdd2blk said, wait a couple of days and you'll find out. If the roots were shocked really badly it may just die. But it may also turn out just fine. Fingers crossed X


Well-Known Member
it may wilt but don't despair. leave it alone. let it recover. keep it watered with fresh water. give it a few days.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is surprising. It can look like it is at death's door and then bounce back. Just be patient and wait and see.


Uses the Rollitup profile
And please don't ask how can I tell if my plant is dead, or we'll send you back to the newbies section. :blsmoke: