Active Member
Hello all. Im hoping to start a new grow in an armoire I have. I am an experienced grower, though primarily outdoors. I think I am going to give auto's a try. my grow space has two separate areas (you know the kind of armoire that has a big upper area and a smaller lower area). The lower area is 18"dp x 33"w x 38" tall. the upper area is 18"dp x 33"w x 27" tall. what would you put in it for lighting? I have a surplus of small mh and hps (150-400) but have experienced far too many problems with HID in small spaces in the past, so I am really hoping to go with something cooler. has any body used high watt cfls (100+) with success? what about the cheap walmart 50 watt bulbs? LEDs? can anybody recommend a cheap ebay light? or should I just put a ton of 26 watts?