New Babies

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New babies, at 10 inches, with a wingspan of about 10 inches. About to put in much larger pots. My question is should I take cuttings before transplanting, and if after how long should one wait ?


Well-Known Member
Any thing besides watering induces stress .. The idea would be to inflict a little as possible .. I tended to feed my vegging plants, wait a day or two and then take cuttings .. I'd then feed my vegging plants again .. When the grow medium has dried out over 2 or 3 days I'd transplant and flush or very mild bloom feed and put them under a different light regime (12/12) ..

I reckon everyone has their own tried and tested methods which work for them
Thanks for the reply. So, I have only an 8 foot ceiling, would you advise flowering after transplanting, say at about 12-13 inches ?


Well-Known Member
Oh, my thoughts .. I see now .. I bloomed at around that height, 12-18" .. Some strains shot up to 4' while some finished at around 30" .. You have plenty of ceiling height, but if you veg too tall you don't really gain .. I found finishing up with plants between 2 and 3 feet tall allowed for decent light penetration to help develop the lowest bud sites on the plants .. 5 foot plants usually suffered from poor bud development on the lowest branches because light penetration and light intensity hitting that part of the plant was very weak.