New, bigger tent. Will multiple strains fit?


Active Member
Hey all!

Me and my SO will be buying a new and bigger tent for our grow. It will be 240(L)x120(W)x200(H) (cm) but only one big compartment on the inside. We will be running multiple LED lights and since there's not seperation will growing 2 different (say indica and sativa) work in that space? Since each strain will have its own set of dedicated lights.

yes, of course, even plants of different species and sizes will fit in there. if your lights can flower indicas they will flower sativas.
sativas take longer to finish.

"since each strain will have dedicated lights"-- makes no difference that is relative to two different strains of plants fitting/working in a tent.
yes, of course, even plants of different species and sizes will fit in there. if your lights can flower indicas they will flower sativas.
sativas take longer to finish.

"since each strain will have dedicated lights"-- makes no difference that is relative to two different strains of plants fitting/working in a tent.

Yes, I know.

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Will it be a problem if strain 1 goes in to flower before strain two, even though they have seperate lighting will the light spread from the other part of the tent affect it in any way? Say that the red spectrum from the light over strain 1, will that affect strain two? As well as the dark periods if they're put into flower at different stages.
Yes, I know.

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Will it be a problem if strain 1 goes in to flower before strain two, even though they have seperate lighting will the light spread from the other part of the tent affect it in any way? Say that the red spectrum from the light over strain 1, will that affect strain two? As well as the dark periods if they're put into flower at different stages.
Are you talking about having both 12/12 (flower) and 18/6 (veg) light times in the same tent with no separation between lights? No that will not work, BOTH will stay in veg if a light stays on for 18/6.

I think you're mistaking what triggers the plant to actually start flowering. The color of the bulb has no influence over when a plant starts flowering, it relies only on your lights time cycle. 12-on/12-off for flowering.
Yes, I know.

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Will it be a problem if strain 1 goes in to flower before strain two, even though they have seperate lighting will the light spread from the other part of the tent affect it in any way? Say that the red spectrum from the light over strain 1, will that affect strain two? As well as the dark periods if they're put into flower at different stages.

@ n0thing's got it.
this is a very basic cannabis cultivation question covered in every grow bible, often in the first chapter.
You'll be amazed how quick a grow bible will propel you from an ill garden full of questions to an automated
quality production, in just a weekend of reading. Pot Books/
Are you talking about having both 12/12 (flower) and 18/6 (veg) light times in the same tent with no separation between lights? No that will not work, BOTH will stay in veg if a light stays on for 18/6.

I think you're mistaking what triggers the plant to actually start flowering. The color of the bulb has no influence over when a plant starts flowering, it relies only on your lights time cycle. 12-on/12-off for flowering.

Yes, that's what I thought. And no, I do know what puts them into flower, which is like you said via the amount of hours and not the spectrum of light they're exposed to. But seeing as the veg. spectrum is basically all blue and the bloom all red - I thought that it would have some effect on the plant rather than just wasting electricity.

@ n0thing's got it.
this is a very basic cannabis cultivation question covered in every grow bible, often in the first chapter.
You'll be amazed how quick a grow bible will propel you from an ill garden full of questions to an automated
quality production, in just a weekend of reading. Pot Books/

Thanks for the tip, albeit i'm not an expert i've gone through quite a few grows now but in smaller area - that's why I asked the question in the first place.