new cabinet-need your thoughts

alright, this is my first grow, "the accident" but decided to build a little grow cabinet. its not perfect by any means-but I'm learning. I think the pix should show up well enough to see what I got goin'. I drilled a ton of holes in the top shelf so that I could use my ever abundant supply of zip ties to hold the cords in place and make it easy to adjust day by day. I have 4 clfs that are 27 watt-5,600 k and 4 cfls that are 23 watt 2,700 k. hopin' thats enough for now. I also have 3-34 watt GE Bright Stiks. (not in yet-not sure if it would help) Please guys, give me some of your thoughts/suggestions. the bottom of the plant is rough still from when it was outside. it's also a bit droopy but i think thats from the repotting and maybe slight overwatering. thnx for anything you guys have to offer
:weed: MS


oh yeah, I also used aluminum wire to hook from the cfls to the sides to adjust the angle of the dangle. I slightly burnt 2 of my leaves during adjusting. :( should be alright though


Well-Known Member
Looks ok but the pot is too big for the plant and that leaves extra moisture it can never get, promotes root rot. Nothing you can do about it now just for next time.

Yes try not to water at all until it's actually light weight and the dirt is dry and only after the plant says it's too dry by drooping again.
Never water unless the thing is light weight, you need to force the roots to reach for water.

Get ready to learn how to clone.
truthfully, this plant is 2 to 3 months old. it popped up by pure luck in a tomatoe plant pot. should I try and send it into flowering or can I wait a week or two/ I was planning on it by the end of august but I'm new to this so I'm not sure. I can wait longer but I'm not sure as to what exactly it should look like. again, any help I'm grateful for.


Active Member
Flower it right now!! Unless you have somewhere else you are going to be able to grow it, because plants usually double to triple in size during the flowering phase.
I can still drop it like 2 to 3 feet. does it look healthy enough to send to 12/12? I think I have the space. should I wait till the leaves perk up or does it really matter? like I said, hopin' to wait for a week or two. Since I added the the CFLs at close range, I've got new-gorgeous growth at the top. Or is it the age? I don't want to fuck it up but the space is there-i know the pix don't show it well. Like I said, I'm a bit nervous, but if its time-its time....
I would LST it for like two weeks and then flower it, but I agree the pot is way to big. But the cabinet looks good.

Buenos Humos