New clones HELP


Active Member
Hi guys, im running a hydro / flood system. Also, i was gonna feed them GH FLora Micro, grow, bloom. Just started roots and i was wondering what ppm should it be at? Should i put some florablend addictive in it also? Its gonna be in cubes / rockwool. Should i be using cal - mag while they are so young? Im gonna be putting them under a 1000 watt light. thanks any feedback is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Only feed back I can offer is that I never understood how my hydro and nutrient delivery actually worked until some research tonight. Apparently it is better to have low PPM vs high since the plant actually has it's nutrients sucked out and back into the water if it is high! This is the reason all these people use R/O water (reverse osmosis) for those that don't know, I didn't. By using reverse osmosis the water is cleaned to a lower PPM level, essentially removing crap. Then they add their nutrients to whatever levels etc.... this basically allows you to get more good dissolved solids in the water. If you don't have a meter for measuring your PPM/TDS and can get one do so. It will be one of my next purchases.

So since I believe I am seeing very low growth in my hydro garden since setting up I blamed it on adding what the labels said on my nutrients if not a hair more! Being the newbie that I am bigger is better of course. I flushed my reservoir and refilled with mostly spring water since it was the only half decent water I could get a hold of at this time of night. I then only added a small fraction of what I added the first time in the way of nutrients. So I guess my advice is go nuts with your nutrients all you want but I would Strictly start with 25% of the label amounts and go from there.

Sounds like you have a nice setup, sorry my advice is vague here is the sort of numbers I am aiming for in general... Props to Greenpassion @ Dedicated to Cannabis Education, Recreational. Medicinal, and Cultivation.
Specific thread pH / EC / TDS / PPM - Dedicated to Cannabis Education, Recreational. Medicinal, and Cultivation.

"I follow and highly recommend the following parameters for hydroponic nutrient solutions for aeroponic, “bubblers”, drip, ebb and flow, NFT, passive, rockwool and wick systems.

PH 5.1-5.9 (5.2 optimal)
TDS 500-1000ppm, EC .75-1.5
Temperature 68-78f, 20-25c (75f, 24c optimal)

The pH of the nutrient solution is a major determinant of nutrient uptake by the plant. If the pH wanders outside the optimum range of between pH 5.1 and pH 5.9, then nutritional deficiency and/or toxicity problems can occur. For hydroponic nutrient solutions used with inert media, keep the pH at 5.2 for optimal elemental uptake. It is at this point that roots most readily assimilate nutrients. These pH and TDS/EC recommendations may seem low relative to the normally suggested range, but are based upon information garnered from "Hydroponic Nutrients" by M. Edward Muckle and Practical Hydroponics and Greenhouses. They both document the low pH resulting in increased nutrient uptake and my experience has shown discernible health and yield improvements at a ph of 5.2 over higher levels"

Hope this helps!


Active Member
thanks luckyshot, i should just start by using small amounts of nuts and gradually go up right? i have 50 plants that flowering right now, my buddy left them with me to flower, so i never got to veg them. So right now i need these baby rooted clones to veg, so that i can flower them when my other room is done . thanks


Well-Known Member
Exactly, just work your way up while staying in the right range. It will be easier to accomplish if you can measure it. I am a newbie and didn't buy anything for measuring PPM/TDS, only PH, and air temp... If you are in the same boat as me that is one of the big reasons you start at 25%, better to be safe than sorry. I just found a place where I can buy R/O water for a decent price so I will be ditching my spring water tomorrow which has a value of 300PPM before adding my nutes if theirs has less. Good luck bud glad I could be of some help.