New englander


Active Member
:joint: Life is good... there is not really too much better than watching some beautiful bud growing.....except for smokin' it!!! It should just be legalized... what do we think:blsmoke:
But how are them red sox??? Looked goodlast night! Yeah... On tomy favorite subject now... growing weed... LOL I have a couple of good medical strains growing now( lookin good), always could use some nw ones.... see there are alot ofnew englanders here....Are ny of you medical patients??? Once I figure out how to post my pics I'll have to thro my purps up on was one of the most prettiest bud I grew...short flowr time... thts what I am looking for....I also had limited space, which right now I am in te process of moving into a bigger room... YEAH!!!!!! I love to grow my own medicine cause I know exactly what is gong in it. NO chemicals...
hey im from new england to and this will be the first year im going to grow. i have 1 or 2 questions. do you guys plant inside or outside? if outside when do u think your going to put it outside? p.s. im planning to grow outside and "guerilla" style
Hi, I'm new here and from NewEngland too!
I'm not a grower (yet), just a big fan of weed in general.
hello fellw new englander.... need any advice or anyinfo u need its only aquestion away.... if u have love and alittle knowledge you wll be fine. I ave learned...go with your gut instinct( it usually is right). The beauty and joy of being a grower there really is no words to descrie it.. Good luck to you...HAPPY420