New Generation LST


Well-Known Member
Hey Kroost great grow. Your LST looks really good man, nice even canopy. Keep it up man, looking forward to following along.


Well-Known Member
So boring - no sudden developments, no huge growth spurts, but then, they're healthy and nothing's eating them. All I'm doing is watering them and waiting for Mid-October (which can't come soon enough :-))

Anyway, the buds are filling in OK, and that's what counts (just wish it were faster . . .).

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Well-Known Member
Haven't been able to check them in a few days; this morning, they looked kinda droopy. I'd been watering with plain H20 the past week or so, but this morning, I added some Tiger Bloom. They hadn't fully perked up by the time I took these shots just after lights out, so I'll have to be sure to check them tonight when the light goes back on.

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The flowers are real buds now, and more and more trichs are showing up. A lot of the older leaves are dropping, so they don't look quite so lush, but the "business end" seems to be healthy and green.

I've mentioned the "Funny-looking/four-stemmed one"; here's a shot of her structure:


No topping or anything - she did it on her own. I had been so concerned about how she would end up, but she's pawssed one of the others in terms of vigor, so I'm glad I didn't give up on it.


Well-Known Member
Eh, I've been letting it get a little more raggedy of late. When I tighten up the strings holding the stems down, they tend to get pulled to the outside of the pot as well, so the canopy gets wider as it gets more even. It's already crowded in there without having to add to it. This morning, I saw several buds that had gone up against the wall of the tent for a couple of days; they were all flat on one side. Gotta keep 'em moving!

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Made an addition to the tent. The length of bamboo I ran vertically front center does lessen the negative pressure caving, but not entirely.
Hey Kroost, just come across this, good stuff.

How come you have so much bowing?

What intake fan are you using and what is the power of the exhaust?



Well-Known Member
Yet more shots before irrigation has perked them up:

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You can see the older fan leaves being used up before dropping. As the lushness of vegging recedes into the past, I still get slightly alarmed at how scraggly they look, like a cherubic child becoming a gawky adolescent. They are doing well, though:filling in nicely, getting frostier and stinkier.

Right now, I'm looking to harvest maybe October 20? Depending on how they look. I don't want to jump the gun like I did last time. Don't want to wait too long, either, but fat chance of that happening ;-)

Welcome, Herb Man! The caving of the tent sides is not as bad as it was. I think this is because, since they're flowering, I wrap the tent more snugly to lessen light leaks, and makes for less slack in the plastic. My tent is home-brew, and the sandwich of black poly/aluminum mylar is less stiff than the stuff they use for commercial tents.

The intake port is passive. There is a 155cfm Can Fan cooling the light (only runs during lights-on), and a bathroom exhaust fan (I forget the capacity) venting the whole tent, running 24/7. Both these fans output into the room, and they are near a window I can open and close. It was a very mild Summer here, so things didn't get too hot. Changing lights-out to the hottest part of the day helped, too.

I have not had real issues with the smell so far, but this is only my second decent grow, and I have twice as many plants as my previous one, so we shall see. I plan on doing a lot of refinements to the tent between grows, so I may add a scrubber then. I don't have a real sharp sense of smell, so it might be a good idea to get one as a precaution anyway. My neighbors' noses might not be so forgiving.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Yet more shots before irrigation has perked them up:
Yeah, I like that homebrew approach. My exhaust fan broke a week or so ago, I have plants in various stages of flowering and the smell is very minimal, I have a window in the room always open and a large room fan so ventilation is good.

It is nonetheless good to have an exhaust system in place to keep pulling air out, thus pulling fresh air in during the lights out period, thus optimising plant health and growth potential.

Things are looking very nice in there.

I'm late to the party, but I'm in.


Well-Known Member
Some pics from this morning:

IMG_1688.jpg IMG_1690.jpg IMG_1691.jpg

Still a few weeks away . . . As Tom Petty sang, "The waiting is the hardest part."


Well-Known Member
Hey Kroost been away for a bit. Great job mate, you have some very even growth across the canopy, should fatten up real nice.


Well-Known Member
Definitely getting close, but still a bit to go

Inside the tent:

Group shots:
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A bud:

I removed the LST hardware, since it was no longer needed. Easier to see the branch structure:
IMG_1711.jpg IMG_1710.jpg IMG_1709.jpg

The smallest one looks like it will finish first, and the "Four-branched" one is lagging, as usual, but she's healthy, so I'm not concerned. I was hoping they would be a bit frostier at this point, but que sera. The calyxes are starting to get nice and fat, but there are still a lot of white hairs, so I still have to play the waiting game.

But soon . . .

:weed: :joint: :eyesmoke: :-D


Well-Known Member
After bitching about the scantiness of trichs in the previous post (two days ago), they are suddenly popping out all over. One of the girls has a nice coating of amber trichs already, so I may harvest that one in a few days, but I want to see if it gets any fatter before I do. The rest still have a ways to go, but with the recent acceleration of trichs, I'll be keeping a close eye on them. I hope they surprise me by finishing earlier than my original (conservative) estimate. Of course, it's only a few days difference at this point, but I'm really champing at the bit.


Well-Known Member
Well, things are moving fast. All but one have lots of amber trichs now, and the other one is not far behind. I may be able to move up the harvest. I'd been thinking late next week, but I may do it in a couple of days. It's up to the girls, of course . . .


Well-Known Member
Just about there. Been busy past few days, and haven't been able to get any pics. May chop them tonight, so I will be sure to take some then. I'm getting uncertain about just when they'll be ready. There's mostly amber trichs, but there's still some white hairs. The buds are definitely fattened, not as much as I'd hoped, though, but it's hard to be sure if they're still getting fatter.

Adding to the confusion is that some buds are ahead of the rest, and that one plant is still lagging a few days. One plant had a lot of fully done buds, so I harvested those (about 6) to at least get the drying started.

Yesterday I ordered some of this: to re-upholster the tent. I also ordered some Sannies Killing Fields, which have already shipped! Woohoo! For the next outing, I'm going to get a couple of larger pots (the biggest I have now are like 3 gal), and only run two girls at a time. One thing I remember from my bad old grows was how tall sativas can really fill up a tent.


Active Member
Harvest as you feel comfortable looking at the last photos they where pretty close then amd that was 6 days ago so they are days away but I would definitely wait til theres almost no white hairs left imo


Well-Known Member
I harvested the girls Friday. I've been super busy the past few days, so it's been hard to get any pics up. I have some pics I took immediately before, which I'll post soon, and I'll try to get some of them hanging up, as well.

Frankly, I am underwhelmed. While very easy to grow, both with thew moms and the daughters, they didn't finish well. While the buds got fatter, they didn't get bigger. A couple of test smokes (OK, more than a couple) show it's pretty weak. I'll likely not be buying seeds from Nirvana again, as I had similar results in the past with a different strain.

Fortunately, I've got my Killing Fields beans on the way, and I hope to have the tent "refined" by the time they are done germinating, so they can move right in. Looking forward to some Sativa! In like, February . . . gonna be a long wait, as I expect I'll burn through this grow well before then.:?