New girl from IL :)


Top o' the mornin' to all my fellow wake and bakers! 8) Hope the herb is treating the collective 'you' well. :)

I've been lurking for a few days just soaking up the amazing knowledge/experience on this site and think it's time I introduce myself.
Um let's see, my name is Nadia, I'm a hippie, and I smoke weed. ;)
I've only been smoking a few years but it kind of changed my life, and now that I'm about to move to a city where I don't know anyone, I figured it was time I learned to grow my own lol! :D

I'm looking forward to learning from my fellow members and sharing my first grow with you all when it finally happens. :)

Happy toking :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the club.. Lots of good people here and a few not so good...happy growing


Thanks for the welcome, guys :) I moved to Chi-town yesterday so today officially begins my forced tolerance break, lol. :)
Happy to have you Nadia. Im new too and cant get enough of this already! If you cant grow after this, put the pipe down haha! I like how you introduce yourself..."My name is Nadia....and I smoke weed." .....Duhhh you smoke weed LAMO!