new grow. advice and feedback are welcome


sup all
its my first time. had it with the price and quality and police and figured to take matter at hands.
i grow 600 hps, cool tube. use nuts at photos.
temp 32.5c = 90f
vent+filter+ big strong air propelor on top
homebox 1.2x1.2x1.8 tent
right now grow 2 kinds of strains:
1. some sinai weed clone i toke from a flowering feamale on the balcony, now reveging (one lobed leaves)
2. some medicla bag seeds i found in a bag. this one also clones from a feamale on a balcony. strangly the mother dosnt flower. its big and while the sinai strain is in full bloom, this one only get biger. it clones are also incredibly srong and vigorus. i hope its a female, but i dont know. i took some clone anyhow and figured i will kill it if the mother turns out to be a male. but it dosnt want to sex.
i germinatad some more bag seeds i have, lets see what pops out.
see pics
i know its hot but cant put AC right now, i will just w8 for summer to fade.
so far i had spider mite, which i killed with organic solution of neem oil andpyrethrum. it looks like they gone. once in 4 waterings i add 1/10 the recomended amount to the water as prvention (until flowering at least)
i am now on 18/6. i plan on go to 12/12 in 1-2 weak and add new plantes all the time (perptual flowering room). the clones or seedling will have 12 hr light from the 600w in the tent during the night and 10 hrs of daylight on the blacony or of the CFL on my vegitation shelf.
the shelf is 2x62 w cfl daylight with small vent.
i would like to get 100 gr per month out of 5 -6 females every month and add all the time new feamales of about 20-30 cm hight. so i will allways have flowering feamlas, is it realistic?
i know i need to get good strain. i was thinking about northern lights. any ideas on that?

any Q or suggestion or critisism or idae will be welcome.
some love will be welcome too.

so gimme your love.
gomziel the 1stcarbon filter.JPGclon shelf.jpgmy clone closet.JPGclone shelf closed.JPGfilter.jpgnuts.JPGsetup 2.jpgsetup.jpgtemp and rh%.jpgthe light.jpgthe med strien.JPGthe medical bag kind.jpgthe one lobe.jpgthe sinai strain, onre lobe.jpgvent.jpgweed.jpg


Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
sorry bud 90 is too hot and im not sure if the amount of smoke you want per month is feasible since you are just starting out


lets see this as expiriment. i will get some good srain soon, and it will get cooler (it allways does) . i cannot get AC in this room. BUT, if u got any otherway to cool it down. i am listening. i figured to add co2, so i built co2 yeast generator, but the fan wont let me built critical mass, and i am afried to stop the fan.
swamp cooller?
i have no idea but to w8, and i gave it somre thought.
what u say?


Well-Known Member
more fans to get the heat down, which I don't understand anymore (I have only grown indoors, being careful to keep temps at 74-79 degrees F, now I'm growing outdoors in 100 degree weather, and my ladies are fine)
not to be mean or anything, but your plants will suffer terribly (some of them are canoeing in the pics, it will only get worse if the temp stays that high)
Your perpetual grow is realistic, but the time frame isn't, you should add a month or so to the beginning, the part where you grow your mother stock and take clones from her, and get everything set up correctly.
If you can get a pic of the medical mother that isn't showing sex, I bet some of us could tell you what it is, all mature plants show sex, and if its big, its gotta be mature enough to show nanners or hair


more fans to get the heat down, which I don't understand anymore (I have only grown indoors, being careful to keep temps at 74-79 degrees F, now I'm growing outdoors in 100 degree weather, and my ladies are fine)
not to be mean or anything, but your plants will suffer terribly (some of them are canoeing in the pics, it will only get worse if the temp stays that high)
Your perpetual grow is realistic, but the time frame isn't, you should add a month or so to the beginning, the part where you grow your mother stock and take clones from her, and get everything set up correctly.
If you can get a pic of the medical mother that isn't showing sex, I bet some of us could tell you what it is, all mature plants show sex, and if its big, its gotta be mature enough to show nanners or hair
tnx for your wonderfull feedback.
i added one strong pole fan, but since the temp outside my window is around 88, and i am not activly cooling air, it wont help much. nevertheless, if the difference between the outside and my room will stay around 2-4 f, then in 2-4 weeks i will be below 85f (according to the normal temps in this time in my place), and thats ok. its just this month which makes most problems.
i am not expecting to get 3-4 oz next month. i figured it will take me at least 3 monthes to stablize the process and start producing 3-4 oz per month. this is simply my goal, and i am glad to hear its realistic. i am ready to learn, listen, read, exprimenting, changing, ajusting, converting, starting over and whatever it takes to reach this goal. then i will set up a new goal (donno, maybe hydro 6-8 oz per month next year, and then i will become the walter white widow of my city).
as for the mother plants. i moved them to my mom balcony, and today i am going up north to a cabin to finish another chapter of my PhD, so it will take a few days till i'll have a pic, but i will, ASAP.
tnx for your help


i took some pics of the best clone from the medical strain. its about 4 weeks old and its doing wonderfull. the burn on the lower leaves is from the cloneing period, so no need to look to that. otherwise, the plant is in perfect shape and addind 1" every day.
can u tell what it is?best clone 1.jpgbest clone 2.jpgbest clone 3.jpgbest clone 4.jpgbest clone 5.jpg


Well-Known Member
I don't see any balls, I think I might have seen a pistil, really not sure, and since I'm not 100% I don't want to call it right now. it looks good, you could LST it by tying it down, which will make the bottom start getting fat. I have just gotten into the LST aspect, I used to FIM or top, but I like the LST method a bit more, its more forgiving, and you don't have to wait a week to see if you totally f-ed up the FIM/top (when you do these you gotta wait to see new growth before you can tell how many tops you have now) Its really healthy though, which is very good.

One thing you can do to get temps down, been thinking about that, take a cup of ice, and put it in front of your fan, you will have to monitor it to make sure that there is ice in it (eventually it will melt, and get warm, and you will have to replenish) the fan will blow the COLD air coming off the ice and will circulate that, instead of just pushing hot air. it will be a bit tedious, but it will get temps down for you. And thanks for the Friend request, I think I got you accepted, lol I'm new here, I haven't figured everything out yet


i went to check with the mothers, and it turns out the medical strain is a female. now i need to make a mother from one of the clones (since the original mother bloom).
how many clones of clones one can make?
should i make 1 permanent mother or should i make a a mother out of a clone, take some new clones from her, send her to flowering and start a new temporal mother from one of the new clones?
i have been reading about it and the answer is not clear. some say after 3-4 generation one should start a new line from seeds, others say the process of cloning can continue indefinitely. what do u say?
i am so happy it turned to be female. this is definitely3.jpg the most vigorous plant i ever saw.
i added few pictures. 3 of them are the medical bag strain, one is the Sinai wild strain. it's easy to tell which is which.
bless u all pot heads



new updates
i started 11.5light\12.5 dark for now. i will soon go to 12\12 and keep on doing so forever.
in my veg closet i am flooded with seedlings and clones so i am good for now. i also made a nice mother.
in my flowering tent things are booming. 6 female clone bustling. i started to lst them. any advice will be welcome.
the temp is down to 30 celcious = 86f, which is tolreable.
please take a look on my girls and gimme an advice
G25.8 - 1.jpg25.8 - 2.jpg25.8 - 3.jpg25.8 - 4.jpg25.8 - 5.jpg25.8 - 6.jpg


Well-Known Member
pics look good. and you're right about the clones, you can clone them indefinately, and you have to start from seed after 3-4 generations. WAIT! what?
yes, both answers are correct! and you also said could you take clones off of one, and flower the mother and keep the clone, which is a third thing you can do.

You are checking for the potential of the pot AFTER it has flowered. You can check so many things while it is growing, but you can't check if the actual weed that comes off is good, or whatever, until it has grown, dried and you smoke it.

my suggestion, if you haven't smoked anything from either parent plant (which gives you an idea of the potency you are working with) would be to start a clone off of your clones, keeping the original clone as your new mother (label label label!!! you don't want to get mixed up). Flower each clone to see how potent it is, keep the best one(s). now you can do either:

take clones off your best mom for a while and flower those. Your mom will grow huge, you will be perpetually growing from clones (every couple weeks or so you will get a harvest). You will need 2 separate rooms for this, the mother room larger (the mother is gonna grow and grow and grow, the clones are only gonna get so big before they mature and you harvest them) You can also flower more than one clone at a time this way


Take a clone from your best mom, throw her into the flowering room. When you harvest her, take a clone from the clone mom, flower her. when you harvest, take a clone from the clone clone mom, and...

Your "mom" won't grow so big this way, you will need slightly less room in the veg room.

And here is why you were correct both times: the quality of the weed (thc, cbd, etc. in it) will degrade over time in a clone, and if you have a clone of a clone of a clone of... it tends to drop quite dramatically after a certain point, which you can only find by growing it, once you reach the level of degradation to the point where your weed is no longer as good as you wanted it, you will have to search over again. (however you CAN clone from now till hell freezes over, or at least till you have a nice cool evening, seeing as how you said its really hot where you are lol)

The same thing happens to the clones of your mother you have kept, in the first scenario, after a while (i think it might be a bit longer) the clones from the mother will lose potency a bit, and I have heard also that they have a slight chance of turning male.
I hope this helps out a bit for you, you got some good looking clones going


tnx, t'was very helpfull.
i think i will order new seed from nirvana every year at least, and start a new line. i will also be able to play with new srains, which is fun. every strain i will clone for a few month, and if its realy good, i will breed one branch.
i dont hve much room in my veg closet, the mother and few 6-8 clones. and the mother is still small.
do u recon nirvana as a good seed bank? i was thinking about thier northern light for a starter.
tnx fo feedback


New Member
image.jpghere is a pic of my first indoor grow 3 weeks into flower. ne feed back or advice let me know would b good to here from others.