New Grow Closet - Inline Fan / Ventilation Question


New Member
Hi guys,

Planning a new grow closet, Im getting some conflicting information regarding my ventilation plan and I wanted to just get your opinion on this.

Basic Info:

Closet Dimensions

4'L X 2'W X 8'H


600 Watt Cool Tube (MH/HPS)


For cool air in, I plan to cut a hole in the a/c duct in my attic. Then run a hose through the ceiling of my closet to a vortex blower housed in a 2x4 cube. The vortex blower would be suspended by rubber rings inside the cube to limit noise (in conjunction with a fan dimmer). The vortex fan would then push the cool air to a junction, 1 part of the junction would go to the light/cool tube, and the other would just go into the closet. 2 Standard stationary house fans would blow air around the main chamber.

For hot air out, the vortex fan will push air through the light and into a duct hose that would empty into the attic. There are also 2 passive vents that hot air could escape from. 1 is in the grow chamber, that would allow heat to escape from the grow chamber into the electronics chamber and from there through the vent in the ceiling of the closet which would just vent into the attic.

People have been telling me that I should be pulling air through the light tube but my problem with this is the inline vortex fan I have has some what weak pull. The side that blows out appears to be much stronger. Given I am going to pull fresh air from an a/c duct in the attic I plan to have thats air pushed through. If I understand correctly this should push the hot air in the light out into the attic as well as let cool air into the main chamber. Thoughts?


What should I get installed in this closet to run a ballast/light, 2fans, and a vortex inline fan? How much power?


I plan to have an Automatic Fire Extinguisher mounted to the ceiling of the closet that would automatically deploy in the case of a fire (see here: ).


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