New grow, I've got no idea what to do with it or what strain it is...

Hey guys,
Very new to forums so you'll have to bear with me... A little while ago one of my good friends gave me a plant pot with a seed from one of the bags me and him had smoked together in. I left it on the window sill and it began to grow, I've no Idea if it will survive or flower so any thoughts would help me out a shed load! I'm in the UK so my lighting situation is the sun from my window. I'm in an attic room so I do have a fair amount of sunlight from my window on the roof. Any experienced growers please tell me anything you know! I will upload a few pics so you can get the jist of where I'm at!



seed slaya

Active Member
has it shown pistils yet? its growing fine it looks like, just need to determine if its male or female : p
good luck!


Still kinda too early to tell, I would transplant that thing Into a bigger pot before it gets any bigger, but so far it's a healthy looking plant. Good luck from the USA bro.....


Well-Known Member
You should go find a stealthy spot outdoors and let it do it's thing outdoors. Get a big bucket or dig a large hole and fill it with a good soil base, with perlite for drainage and some composted manure and worm castings etc. It will do alot better then in an attic with indirect sunlight most of the day. Here are a few pics of some as they grew.


Just had a look at ya pics, healthy looking plants dude. I agree with the post above, get it outdoors (if you can or haven't already). I have a couple of plants outdoors at the moment (south UK) and they started to pre flower about 2 weeks ago (got the little white pistils) so I know I have two girls. No Idea what they are though. Next year I am gonna buy some seeds. You should take a clone and keep it alive until next summer. You could also try cutting a few sets of the large leaves of the plant and allow the sun to get to lower branches.
cheers for the feedback, thinking i might just have to run a stealthy midnight replant somewhere sly, its been going a good few months so im hoping some decent rays might get it flowering (fingers crossed). i was thinking id trim the bottom more gammy leaves and leave the healthier higher up ones to collect more sunlight