New grow room with g13 royal kush & la woman

Luxury Tax

Hello, this is my first time growing and I am setting this up in my apartments closet. I have purchased A 400w Light and am growing 6 plants. I am on a 18/6 hour split. 5 of these plants are the 613 royal kush and the one remaining is LA woman. I have a few questions about my set up and also a few growing questions in general.

1. I began my germination process for approximately 24 hours, i put them in a table towel and placed them on a heat pad during this time. However they did not sprout, perhaps swelled a little bit. Anyway, is this ok that i have already planted them or do i have a reason to be paranoid?

2. I do not want to over water these plants and drown them when should the next time be that i water them. When i planted the seeds today i gave it a bit of water around the area as you can prob see in the pictures.

Any of your input is appreciated and if you have any tips that would be great thanks!

Below are the pictures of my items and then below that are the items set up


Luxury Tax


I am a tad worried about airmovement and temps.....the room is about 4x11 so i have realstate on my side. The down side is i have ZERRO ventilation which worries me....the one inch crack at the bottom of the door is all we got. All i really have to defend against my 400 watt sun is the fan seen in pictures. My temps without the fan got to a max of with the fan we are maxing around 84 which i think will be alright...any input would be great.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
k first of all u said u pout the seeds in a towel? Ive seen it work but I think paper towels are better unless thats what you meant. You need to keep the towel moist at all times or the seed wont germinate. You also need to wet the soil completely not just a little. Make sure the soil stays moist until the seeds sprout out opf the ground. You don't need that powerful light on until the plants arfe out of the soil and probably a week or 2 old. You could get some cfls but dont have to just keep the light a little farther away at first. Read the FAQs at the top gl.

Luxury Tax

Alsoooo......Anyone concerned about useing he metal halide so early from seedling? I have read many things that says its not great idea but also things that it really doesnt matter as long as the light is 2 feet plus awy...


Well-Known Member
keep the light up for while ,can you drill holes under the carpet for air in
cause 91 is hot but it can be done 84 is still a little hot
what ya need is air out


yeah to germinate u should make sure the seeds are viable, nice dark, black and brown pattern, should germinate every time almost. get a paper towel put ur seeds in there drench it keep it wet. put it in a warm dark place. Thats important warmth and darkness. Within three days good seeds should be ready to plant but dont count the rest out, keep water on them see what happens, as far as the metal halide for seedlings. i wouldnt recommend using it but u can and it will work, just keep the distance between them farther then normal give em a couple weeks move the liughts as close as u can to the plants without burning the, u gotta decide what height that mightbe. any more questions feel free to ask

Luxury Tax

Yeah i stated befor i think, we kept them on moist paper towel with heating pad for bout 24 hours then went into soil before anything popped. As for the height of the light, were keeping it around 24 inch and getting down to 18 as plants mature....looking like our max heat is going to be around 87...which i know is on the high side...perhaps another fan could battle heat issues.

Luxury Tax

thanks for the feedback, when the plants begin to sprout ill post some pics. However until then if you have any comments please feel free to add them


Well-Known Member
Yo was good LT....keep da faith, let the farmer be with you. Hook us fellow gardners up with some pics?

Please please don't forget about no light while the suns down. Very bad things could result!!!!

Continue to water sprouted seedlings as you are germinating seeds...wet but not swampy. Once you get some vegitative growth ya can start watering wet/dry, start nutes round same time.

I trust your temp issue will be resolved shortly.


Luxury Tax

we have some action, the royal kush have all began to sprout up. however the LA is still not showing. The temps have been a little high but i have put another fan in there and will see what the temp reads tomorrow morning. I have included new pics of the set up, and also some new pics of the plant sprouting.



Well-Known Member
Good stuff Luxery.....


QUESTION- Should there be any concern about stretching? The plant is under a 400 watt MH and is about 26 inch away...


Well-Known Member
Your going to need some sort of ventilation. Those Royal Kush will stink to high heaven about 4 or 5 weeks into flowering. Everyone in your apartment building will know your growing!


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions on vent? The closet isnt really built for any ac vindows....Only in or out we have is the crack at the bottom of the door. The only thing i was really thinking is if you enclosed half of the closet some how...but being a rental no real heavy contruction can be fooled with. I have read and seen a few things about outtakes out the bottom crack of door and just have a passiver intake thru the other 20 or so inchs of crack....any help would be great!!!! Not only worried about smell but this would kill all heat issues.


Well-Known Member
need to vent the light out with an inline fan. if u leave the other end of a seal'd hood it should suk air from under closet or any cracks, up thru light and then exhaust. the best way is 2 inline fans, one truly exhuasting the room on a thermostat, and one venting the lights. ... now with just 1 400 u could most likely get away with 1 inline fan. if ur hood isnt air cooled gonna have to rig some flex duct from an inline to where light is possitioned and suck hot air away and out the closet, same sorta concept.