new grow room


New Member
Just design the new grow room, i converted my closet into a kick ass grow room. Im using a 400w mh/hps light and two 26w cfl ,im going to start with the mh and two 26 w cfl lighs . Is this enough space/light for 5 or 6 plants?:weed::weed::weed::weed::joint::joint::joint::hump::confused:


that is plenty space but there is one problem take that foil down and pant your grow space white! foil is gonna absorb your lumens and light you need all the lumens you can get onto your plants. i put a picture to show.



Active Member
You might want to remove the aluminum foil.It`s been said that it causes hot spots.You need to paint the inside Flat White.That will take care of of one problem.Your also goin 2 at least Three Fans.One pullin air in,and one pushin it out.The other will be blowin very gently on the plants.Hope it Helps.Stay Happy,Healthy,and High.....


New Member
that is plenty space but there is one problem take that foil down and pant your grow space white! foil is gonna absorb your lumens and light you need all the lumens you can get onto your plants. i put a picture to show.
alriht im goingto try that. What kind of lights are you using?
believe it or not i have 4 cfls i forgot the lumens and 3 indecent natural sun 200 watts.well that is a old picture i will be investing in a hid in the future. my buds were good and strong but buds was not heavy


New Member
believe it or not i have 4 cfls i forgot the lumens and 3 indecent natural sun 200 watts.well that is a old picture i will be investing in a hid in the future. my buds were good and strong but buds was not heavy
oh tru dude, im went all out on this grow i just got some good nuts so hopefully ill have decient buds