New grower in need of help


Well-Known Member
Hey crew,
I purchased a 4x4x6'10 gorilla and 750 kind led combo to get started on my first grow. This light is 430 actual watts. they say its equal to a 600w hid. I don't really understand this because I always thought watts are isnt it a 430w light? So my ? Is because I have 1 tent and 1 light and have to veg and flower in the same tent should I adjust the intensity down to 50% or something to veg and up at flower or run it full intensity.kind claims adjusting the intensity actually adjusts watts pulled and not just dims light thanks for any help.
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Well-Known Member
Just make sure your lights are up high enough I'd all suggest reading on some scrog techniques for the best can easily make a scrog screen with some PVC pipe and string. Any questions come to this forum and I'm sure multiple people will be online to help! Good luck with your first grow :)


Well-Known Member
If you wanted to save on hydro you can just beg out your plants under 6500k CFL's very good for heat issues and very cheap on energy!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guy I've been looking into the scrog technique and think ill give it a go also I have two 4 ft two bulb t8s that ive always used to start my vegetables for the garden.maybe ill try to veg with those.what you think?I got a little confused because I heard someone say you can't put 1000w of buds on a 400w plant.I guess maybe I mistook that to mean veg and flower at the same wattage and im just trying to grasp this thanks again


Well-Known Member
One more quick question,I always start tons of vegetable starts becuase some are weak etc but mostly cause there cheap and easy to get.I'm shooting for 4-5 this too many for 4x4 and if not how many beans should i pop without being overly wasteful iyo


Well-Known Member
T8s blow... veg under that awesome, efficient, full spectrum led you've got. Start it dimmed.

4-6 plants is perfect for a 4x4.
If your seeds aren't fem, start w twice what you'll need. Otherwise 1 or 2 extra.


Well-Known Member
thanks alot i was hoping someone would say that. if the wife saw me running diff lights after buying the kind idk what would happen lol