New Grower Light & Space, Legnth & Height Question



  • Whats a good Height & Length for a closet grow space if the closer only goes 2 ft back. Whole space is 8 ft high & 12 ft long so i plan to build within it.
    While using a 600w light. & about how many plants could i grow? i was thining between 4 & 6 .

    Any Info greatly appreciated​



Active Member
2 ft is not very much room to allow them to grow, the height is fine I think but it sounds like your space is more rectangular which I suppose is usable, but if you want to get the most out of your light you want a more square set up like 3'x3' or bigger. If that closet is the only space you have then I say go for it! But once the plants get larger they will probably be pretty tight in there but the only way to find out is to try it! I wish you the best of luck!


Active Member
Are you trying to do one grow space or two? Do you already have your 600w? If you have the budget for it, you could do a 6bulb 4ft t5 fixture for veg on one side of the closet and use the rests of the space to flower. using 2 400s in a line would be better than 1 600. If you already have the 600, based on what I've seen I wouldn't go more than 4 feet wide, and you'd have to rotate the outside plants to the middle every day or two. A 3x2 scrog would probably yield nice under that light.


Are you trying to do one grow space or two? Do you already have your 600w? If you have the budget for it, you could do a 6bulb 4ft t5 fixture for veg on one side of the closet and use the rests of the space to flower. using 2 400s in a line would be better than 1 600. If you already have the 600, based on what I've seen I wouldn't go more than 4 feet wide, and you'd have to rotate the outside plants to the middle every day or two. A 3x2 scrog would probably yield nice under that light.
Im just trying for 1 grow space. & yea I already have the 600w light. The highest the light can go in the closet leaves 4.2 ft from the bottom of the light to the ground. so i would build the top right above it. & thinking maybe 5 ft long for the 4 maybe 5 plants. still viable?


Well-Known Member
Mount your light on the ceiling right in the middle of your space. NOTE -- Avoid hanging the light with a chain or any other mounting
technique that drops the light below the ceiling. You are going to want every inch from floor to bulb. You should have about 6 feet on
either side of the light to work with.

Remember you have to fit a fan somewhere too.

Number of plants depends on wether or not you stagger your grow. If you just have that space and one light you have to grow linear,
means veg the whole room at 18/6 or 20/4, switch to 12/12 and flower the room. Means you have to figure on having all the plants
get large at the same time. Inefficient and slow, but that's what you got, eh?

Pretty safe to figure that if the room is only 2 feet deep your plants won't grow more than 2 feet wide either. The math suggests you
could squeeze 6 plants in there but that would be too full as flowering proceeds. Start with 4 and see how that goes. Also be a good idea
to get some of the smaller-sized tomato cages. They are like a wire basket that contains the side growth. They are less than 24 inches wide and will
be a big help, guaranteed.

PM me if you decide to trim your plants to keep them a certain size or shape. I can help you there.
Good luck and keep us posted, BigSteve.