New Grower Light & Space, Legnth & Height Question



  • Whats a good Height & Length for a closet grow space if the closer only goes 2 ft back. Whole space is 8 ft high & 12 ft long so i plan to build within it.
    While using a 600w light. & about how many plants could i grow? i was thining between 4 & 6 .

    Any Info greatly appreciated​



Im just trying for 1 grow space. & yea I already have the 600w light. The highest the light can go in the closet leaves 4.2 ft from the bottom of the light to the ground. so i would build the top right above it. & thinking maybe 5 ft long for the 4 maybe 5 plants. still viable?


Active Member

  • Whats a good Height & Length for a closet grow space if the closer only goes 2 ft back. Whole space is 8 ft high & 12 ft long so i plan to build within it.
    While using a 600w light. & about how many plants could i grow? i was thining between 4 & 6 .

    Any Info greatly appreciated​

you can do a grow with this space but not with a 600w hps

but there lots of things you can do and get some good bud if you want

t5's would be the best in this grow space

i would grow chronic

divide the grow space into 3ft x 2ft and 8ft high
have 1 5ft, t5's on each side
gap at the bottom back of the cabinet and fan pulling air out the top

trim all side branches off and have one 5 ft long dank bud when it comes to chopping it

you could grow a lot of plants like this in this cabinet