New Grower Needs Help?? LOTS OF PIX and need advise, please:)

Can somebody please help me i have new clones but they are all having problems. There leaf tips are turning brown and curling up while the leaf is curling downward. Some of leaves are brown now and light green or yellowish. I am using 4 teaspoons of grow big, 6 teaspoons of big bloom, 6 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide, and 2 teaspoons of hygrozyme in my 6 gallon reservoir. Please help me out i cant figure it out. My ppms are under 500 and ph is around 6.1

Here is my thread but somebody please help me.



Well-Known Member
Those are tiny little clones my man. You don't want your PPM up at 500 yet, you need it down at fresh water to start. Then bump it up by 50ppm every other day. When you reach 200ppm, and leave it there for ~7 days. Then bump it up to 300ppm. Leave it there for a week. Then bump it by 50ppm each day until you reach about 600ppm. Your veg will be finishing up and you are ready to flower and start flowering @ 600ppm and then start your flowering routine.

That's what it means when it says 600ppm is full strength. Not referring to clones and seedlings.

Way too strong.