new grower needs help!!!

Dano Green

I found some seeds in some weed so i planted them, now ive got sprouts but they dont have much veg on them mostly stem, ive been putting them out in the sun but i need some kind of system can anyone help??

btw first thread, established :leaf: head :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Do you have a cabinet or somthing you can convert to a grow enclosure ? What do u have to work with ? It's def to late for outdoor.

Dano Green

i have a closet but i dont have any light system, i have a normal lamp but ive been told its no good, my friend has LED battery powered lights will they be any good?


Well-Known Member

Get a couple of hydro net baskets, cut the bottoms out, use them for support.

Plant deeper when you repot.

Separate the seedlings so each have their own cup.

Germination and Cloning chapters.
