new grower soil question


Active Member
This is kinda long so bear with me.

I have a few questions on my 1st grow if you all don't mind. The plant is about 4 weeks old and looking alright on the top. I kinda started this just as an experiment and ended up here at RIU. The plan was started off in a 16 oz. cup in Scott's potting soil(0.07-0.01-0.03) from Home Depot. I then transferred it to a bigger pot at about 2 weeks, using up the left over Scott's soil. It looks like I need more soil so I picked up a bag of Foxfarms Ocean Forest and was wondering if I should just add the FF to the scotts or re-transplant and get rid of the scotts altogether? Or pick up another small bag of scotts to add to it alread as not to disturb the plant.

The lights I am using are 4 26W 6500K CFLs in an 5x2.5x2.5(hxlxw) in a closet. I was on a 24-0 light schedule and switched over to 18-6 the last week and a half. I also was using regular CFLs 26W 2700K at first then switch over to the 6500K the past 2 weeks. The lights are about 2-3 inches away, the temps are about 68-73 with the lights on and about 65-69 with them off. Not sure about the humidity, I still need to buy a hygrometer

The water I use is tap and have finally adusted the ph to 6.2-6.8 the last couple of waterings, which is every 2-3 days.

I have not got any nutrients but will here within the next week or so when I start to flower. The plant seems to be getting the white hairs at the stem but not 100% sure that it is female:weed:.

I was also wondering about the yellow tips and the way the bottom leaves are drooping, as far as I can tell using all the links posted about problems might me N deficiency? or Nute burn?

Like I said this started as an experiment and turned into wanting to grow my own personal stash. Not sure what the strain is but found it a few months ago in some good smoke, only seed I have ever found in my mid to high dealer smoke. I have since ordered some seeds to try and am still waiting but wanted to see how this went 1st.

Thanks for reading... commments and criticism welcome


smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
that scotts doesnt look like it has much for nutes. and you havnt added any. you need to feed it. wait for a couple more replies tho to confirm.
pic 2 looks like a start of phosphorus deficiency to me.
just not sure about the nute burn because the scotts does have some nute. my miracle grow bag that i just checked is ( 0.21-0.07-0.14 )
i would trim a couple of the lower leaves, and add some more soil up to about where that lip is about an inch and a half down from the top.


Well-Known Member
ok, lets start with the soil...
really don't matter, at this stage, whether or not you mix the long as the soil is 'airy'.

lights; I guess those lights are ok. personally, I don't like those low wattage cfls. the color temp is great for veg, 6500k. use your 2700k cfls for flowering, but have at least twice as many as you used for vegging.

a nute tip; day old piss diluted in a gallon of water will provide great nitrogen for your plants. check it out...don't take my word for it.
easiest place to get piss nitro info is from wikipedia.
if you're not adding any nutes, it ain't nute burn. you can pick up some really cheap nutes at any garden center. one with a higher N is best for veg and one with a higher P is best for flowering.

if you haven't switched to 12/12 yet, then they're not 'hairs', just new growth. you won't see signs of sex for about 2 wks after switching you light schedule.

drop by my grow and check it out. I used piss for nitro, then switched to pure urea, the main ingredient in piss and the part that supplies all the N in piss.

good luck