New grower, some advice needed.


Active Member
Well, its my first post on this forum and I'm new grower. I trying to grow on my kitchen window, as I have sun all day. I don't now is that good or not, but I'm gonna try.

I have one problem, on the lower leafs some kind of small dots appear. can some one tell me what a fuck happened.

Please tell what do you think about my grow, is the plants look healthy.

Hope to hear something from some one :joint:



Well-Known Member
welcome to the forums =)

your plants look healthy but you might want to get more light on them when you flower. the small dots look like the beginning signs of nute burn, but nothing serious. what type of soil/nutes are you using?


Active Member
welcome to the forums =)

your plants look healthy but you might want to get more light on them when you flower. the small dots look like the beginning signs of nute burn, but nothing serious. what type of soil/nutes are you using?
I didn't use any nutes yet, so is shouldn't be nuts burn. the soil I just bought from the gardening shop, have now idea what inside in it.
I have the fan blowing on them 24\7. And cant afford to buy the lamp at the moment, so just gonna hope it will be fine just on the sun, as we had really nice weather, but today rain started and its really dark outside. If I just put them under some 60w lamp is it gonna help?

Thanks for your replays.


Well-Known Member
it could still be nute burn, some soils have time-released nitrogen in them that releases when you water so you have to be very careful when watering. your plants should be fine in the sun but more light never hurts...


Active Member
Those are just normal bulbs from my house lamps. I now they are not good for growing, but I don't have money at the moment to buy CFL's. Hope to get some money soon then I can buy some 150w CFL's. I'm thinking to get 2 150w and 2 smaller ones. But for now they gonna stay like that. Hope my baby not gonna die.


Well-Known Member
its going to stretch really bad.. those bulbs are terrible for growing.. your better off back in the window... seriously.. those bulbs put off almost no usable light for the plants.. the sooner you can get the cfls the better off you will be... your going to end up with a really stretched plant if you dont get them soon...


Active Member
We having really shit weather at the moment, very cloudy and almost no sun. Is it better to keep it on the window even if there is no sun? I'm thinking to get CFL's next week as I,m gonna get some money.


Active Member
actually since you ahv had such minimal light it might help your buds form due to the fact that your plant has stretched enough so that there isnt really anything blocking your bud sites. you definitely need more lights if you are worried about money just get some 42w cfls from walmart or something. i mean 42 actual watts though... with cfls you always go by the actual wattage. im kinda impressed you ahve a plant that looks pretty good with as little light as youve had. cant wait to see what happens when you get more light.

now is the time you want as much and as intense light as possible directed onto your bud sites. if you could, get a bunch of smaller cfls too like 23w to put right next to some of the lower bud sites and you will probably increase your yield a good bit. i would have the 23w as close to some of the lower budsites as possible and put 2 or 3 42w danging above with reflectrs... but thats just me.


Active Member
The thing is I'm in Uk and we don't have walmart. I checked couple shops and the biggest voltage on CFL's I found it just 20w. So I might get some more of 20w as they are really cheep down here.

Thanks for the advice.