New grower stressed out!!!


Well-Known Member
I hope someone can help i started a grow box 48" h 42"w 28" d its pretty big for the 2 plants ive started plenty of ventilation 1 little ocsilating fan .My lighting is a 14x14 L.E.D. and 1 ott-lite. I started the seeds on w wet paper towel I had sprouts in like 2 days planted them in my medium (1/3 perlite ,1/3 peatmoss ,1/3 worm castings) w/tweasers never touched seeds. In 3 more days i had sprouts i was so happy:mrgreen:. Now my leaves are drooping and turning brown but in the very center of the leaves is a bright green.. stems are also about 3" i now know i had the lighting to far but why the wiltting?????? I'M STRESSIN MAN PLEASSSSSE HELP!!!

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Did you feed them? I had a similar issue on my first grow attempt and it was because I fed them as seedlings. I don't know if this helps, but it can help rule things out. How often are you watering them? Do you have any pics?


Well-Known Member
maybe u shuddnt water eveyr 2 days only water when they need it, brush top layer of soil awya if it moist let em go another day then when its dry ish water em, this lets the roots search for water, than jus feeding allt he time, u want loads of roots :D


Well-Known Member
was having the same problem if the pots to small for the roots that could be why your leave are yellowing but water every 3-4 days till you get the hang plants will tell you before the get to bad when the need water

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
When I fed my babies too soon, I re-potted them as a last ditch effort to save them and they took off like crazy. Be sure not to feed them before 3-4 weeks.

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
The medium I am unsure - I am a rookie. I use Fox Farms, but I am sure someone will let you know. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
so dont water for awhile and see what happens dont want to lose my girls very good strain of chocolope feminized i guess i should have started with an easier strain!!!