New Grower w/ purple stems and green leaves

How does it look for a first time grower?

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can anyone help me here idk if there's anything wrong or not just have watched my branches turn purple slowly the main stem is bright green and the leaves dont look bad other than being ate on but i have to put them in the bushes because my mom and helicopters cant see them i check it daily and am good on the water schedule i live in tn so have very hot days i really want it to live a healthy strong life if you need more pictures i take them right away i have a test kit if i need to check something?????? Help asap please



I have a ? Well i a few plants growing an i notice the tips on leaves are yellowing and know moveing up the leave can anyone help


Well-Known Member
i thought when your stems were purple it was because giving it too many nutes but your plants are outdoor so i'm guessing thats not true

grow space

Well-Known Member
LIEBE420-WYF???---wrong wrong---+no, i had the same thing with my white widow clone-but my leaves were slowly turning yellow too-I went out and buyed some organic feed and applied it only one(this was 2 weeks ago).no, tomorrow im going to feed it again, and then the same every week, only once.---so my plant now has lost almost all the purple stems, but little of it remains.also bro, remember, that some strains has a purple stem color.
keep up the good work....
well i have it it a pot on the ground i've been wanting to transplant it but dont want to kill it since its my only one how do you make the phosphorus go up and down is there any household items i can use and i'll test it today at some point.