new grower yields?????

the monk

hi new to this site and im 2 weeks from harvest and was wondering if there is a way to estimate what i might yield from my plants, they look good and buds are getting heavy any advice apriciated :neutral:


Well-Known Member
hi new to this site and im 2 weeks from harvest and was wondering if there is a way to estimate what i might yield from my plants, they look good and buds are getting heavy any advice apriciated :neutral:
There isn't really any way to say "your're going to get X amount", too many variables from one grow to another.:peace:

Illegal Smile

If you can estimate what the buds you have now might weigh, take half of that and then add another 10-20% that will be based on how well you do things over the next 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
pics would help...... but like doeeyed said there's to many variables. really depends on how your lighting is. hps, or cfl? if cfl hoe close to the plant? venting? what nutes if any....... you can't really tell until you start cutting.

the monk

hi thanks for feed back, im growing 25 budah and 15 kush under 6 x 600 hps in soil 11ltr pots have used canna pro soil and nutriants pluss the very expencive canna boost and pk 13/14 but now flushing for 2 weeks i have suffered from nut burn over the whole process twice so im thinking that will affect my yield, and my grow area is 8sqm , its been a bit tough the past few weeks due to over growth i veged for 3 weeks from clones, i was hoping to ger 2 oz per plant but not sure if thats too much to ask for ????/

the monk

yeah i no its a prity silly question, but im so anxiouse, i have been fine till now but these 2 weeks are dragging, im sure after this grow i will have a rough idear my self in the feature, didt mean to bore any of you,lol just hope all the hard work pays off he he


Well-Known Member
yeah i no its a prity silly question, but im so anxiouse, i have been fine till now but these 2 weeks are dragging, im sure after this grow i will have a rough idear my self in the feature, didt mean to bore any of you,lol just hope all the hard work pays off he he
Nah, not a bore - just a pretty common question, for which there is no short and sweet answer for.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
deff, two oz is a good ballpark figure. I'd say you'll hit the 2 oz mark on each plant. I'm predicting the future....... so when you find out tell everyone you know that tomahawk2406 can tell the future haha. honestly though...... you ssound like your doing it the right way, I wouldn't stress about a low yield.


Well-Known Member
i'm hearing ya...

6x 600w lights,
40 plants, hoping for 2 zones a plant... or 80 zones.

here's my take... its what i would do if i had to estimate a yield.

plant count is somewhat irrelevant, as long as you have the lighted space filled with green..

you are running 3600w total - and i would say after a few grows a grower should be able to hit .5 - 1g/w of HID light used... which means i would say you SHOULD be able to get 1800-3600g...

grams/watt is not the ideal way to rate your garden efficiency - and its almost a pointless measure, but for guessing yields, i think there is something you can get from it... one of the main problems with using grams/watt is that it doesnt take into account the time... if you veged for 3 weeks from clone, thats different from flowering immediately... it also doesnt take into account that you are using soil... and 1 gram/watt is usually done by small closet growers, who use a screen or something. and I know, there are vertical grows that have made it well over 1 g/watt... but thats not important.

so, with no pix - i'd guess your probably in the 64 zone mark... about 4 lbs.. thats at the .5g/watt...

pix are always a surprise tho - if you post up and all your plants are 2'ft tall... i would lower that number... if you post up pix of huge ass colas everywhere, you might go way past 2 zones per plant... no way of telling from your description alone, pix will be key..

and even then, its all still guesses...
