New grower


Active Member
secret 005.jpg

secret 002.jpg

i am a 1sr time grower...i got a lot of help from some people last night but i have more questions...could someone look at my pics in my profile and tell me what exactly i have there? males im thinking...maybe hermaphrodite?? if so do i harvest these seeds now and plant hoping for females or what..i really have no idea what to do if they are i screwed? thank you


Active Member
Any help is greatly appreciated...i would hate to have these plants go to waste...i really want to start learning about cultivation and how to do it properly...


Well-Known Member
looks like herms to me, though im fairly new at this too so might want a second opinion. you can search the sight and find some bamf threads on sexing you plants. itll show you how to spot a hermi from a boy, just search sexing and start browzing.

also you might get more responses at night, stoners arnt known for how early they get up lol. :bigjoint:
if those are males which it looks like get rid of em start over get some good seeds...if they are herms you can either end up with male or female so start over get some good seeds...either way those plants need to be trashed away from the rest of the garden


Active Member
i tried to zoom the pic in a little better...what do you think...this one is one of the healthier looking ones still growing...these are growing wild by the way...just tossed some seeds in the grass and POW!! so im not really out anything if they suck ass...thanks for the help

secret 004.jpg


Active Member
If this is a it ready for harvest or did it go too long...not long enough...can you smoke it? thanks for all the help brother


Well-Known Member
those look like hermies to me. From the pics ive seen they look ready to lop down, hermies don't really get much bigger than that budwise. You can smoke it, most bags of mids and schwag come from hermies or people who left males around you just gotta pick out the beans.


Well-Known Member
I dont know what to tell you man, those are some crazy looking plants. It wont kill you to smoke it no mater what but cure it and pluck the balls before you try. Best bet is just get some seeds and do a real grow in some pots and identify your sex early.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you fave a girl and a hermie,,If you need seeds for next season you could take your chances that the bud won't be to seedy and if those are the only plants in your garden let them grow....Better than nothin,you never know it could be a wierd strain that will knock your socks off!!HAPPY GROWING Good luck
I lie and nothing i write is the truth,im just a law abidding citizen!!!haha