new growth during flowering?


Active Member
my plants are 7 weeks into flowering but as of about 2 weeks ago, the bottom of my plants has began flowering new buds. When i harvest my plants is it worth cutting the stems halfway up and lower my lights to this new growth or will that much clipping cause the plant to much stress causing it to die? it looks like i would be able to get another 1/8 to a 1/4 off the bottom of the plants but it seems as if it would almost be like shake since the buds are kind of small.


Active Member
I would say dont bother, but, almost any bud is better than shake, so if you feel its worth it, give it a try.:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I've read on here before people clipping the main cola because it's ready and leaving the side smaller ones a few more weeks to turn amber.

Just as long as you don't cut too many main fan leaves which are it's main source of energy.