Well-Known Member
I’m aware praying hands can be a good sign . But not to the degree of it standing completely up . I’ve been dealing with what I believe is light stress or heat stress . It’s hard to tell exactly . They both show identical symptoms. I’ve been dimming the lights down from 40% to now 20% this has been the last two to three days . Still getting the standing new growth . However leaves don’t seem to look as stressed . But still standing new growth . Can’t imagine 20% being too much even 25% . All atleast a month old . Driving me bonkers. Need some diag help . Thanks in advance !
grow specs
Temp 84f
Humidity 59%
4x4 tent
4 marshydro ts1000 daisy chained @39” from canopy 600w true
Superglue , sour orange kush , black rose ( bag seed )
Fox farm ocean soil
Fox farm trio nutrients
Cal mag
Myco plus
Nutes used at half strength .
grow specs
Temp 84f
Humidity 59%
4x4 tent
4 marshydro ts1000 daisy chained @39” from canopy 600w true
Superglue , sour orange kush , black rose ( bag seed )
Fox farm ocean soil
Fox farm trio nutrients
Cal mag
Myco plus
Nutes used at half strength .
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