New Growth wierd leaves, first grow


Basic: 450w HPS running 12/12 just started week 2 flowering after a 3 week veg of no nutes. im using cal/mag pure blend pro and drip clean every feed. kellog premium soil, and Bud xl and top booster but thats a few weeks ahead. i water and feed everyday i give a little more than a cup of water to the plant. temp 75-80F Humidity 35-45%. Strain- Casey Jones

Question- why are my new growth leaves coming out like this? The leaves dont come out equally it seems any response would help thanks!



Active Member
No expert here but, it doesn't seem like you have anything to worry about as far as the shape of those leaves go. A lot of top growth will not match the lower growth from our experience. For instance the first set of "true leaves" that sprout from a seedling only have 1 blade. As the plant gains more nod levels the count of the blades on leaves increases to 3 even 12 blades. The slenderness of the leaves always tends to be at the top during flower period as the plant is not focusing on veg growth anymore.