new here need help


Active Member
hey whats up. i new here and also new to growing. I'v been on this sit for months now. reading and reading. so i thougth what the hell why no post a thread. so here i am, but anyway. i got 4 plants in a i dont know let me think here. aaaa foot and a half high and 2 and a half foot long container. with 2 cfl's 26 watt and 1 24" flourensent light. giving out about 3500 lumes. got a 4" fan hooked on the bottom for vent . i cut a good size hole in the back so that the fan bring in fresh air. hole on top and holes all around the bottom to for vent. two of them are almost a month old and the other two are week and a half. there doing great. i got 3 nobes on the two big ones i top them at 3 weeks and now they got leafs growing out everywhere. a nice dark green color. but my question is, im runing out of room. i can let them grow higher. but as i was reading they say that its going to get 2 to 3 times bigger as its goes into flowering so should i but them on 12/12 now. i aslo trying to tie them down but i think i should have done that from week one. any way any input would be great. im thinking of puting up pictures but i get to that later. thanks


Well-Known Member
hey welcome riu, I'm Corey. Ok first off if ya got 4 plants, and I'll assume ur gunna veg under the lights u got right now? if so you might want to add some more cfls i've heard the 42 watt ones are great for the price. My 4ft T12s + 26 watt cfl are barely cutting it for veg i'm getting more lights. however if you do end up wanting to flower i would recommend a 400 watt hps. and thats about it. GL :peace:


Active Member
I have bought seeds of really good strain but are saving them i have planted a mids seed jus to see how it would grow hydroponically and it looks like its doing very well and healthy i cut the main shoot at 2.5 weeks in vegitation stage i wanna know if it will end up improving can sum1 respond
1/2 week old-

1 week old-

1.5/week old

2.5 weeks-

Where i snipped the main shoot-

Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn't the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?[bill hicks/QUOTE]


Active Member
yeah i gona use them lights. but i dont know if i could fit anymore lights. cause with the light on and fan it stay between 79 and 82 dergess. so if i do add more lights i sure it will rise the temp. then i not sure how to keep it cool. i thinking of adding a computer fan to shot the air out. what if i just go and get the 43 watt and take the 26 off? ill put out more. with the lights i have now i say there doing pretty going in the veg stage now. think ill be wasted my time if i dont get more light?


Active Member
also does the plant still grow in the flowering stage. i dont meangrow bud. what i want to know is does it still continu to grow more leafs?


Active Member
cool thanks. now that i know that i think i mit just start 12\12 in a day or two. right now there looking so good. it even has a nice smell to it.


Active Member
so flowering stage i assum its going to need more lights. can anyone give me any cooling methods. cause its all in closed in my closet. so even one a cool day it stay about 82 f. with more lights i have no idea how im going to keep it cool enough. i have no room for any big equiment.


Well-Known Member
Well if your between 75f and 85f your o.k. you dont want it really any higher than that. As far as keeping it cooler in there a fan blowing in cool air and an exhaust taking out the hot air is all you can really do, I have 5 42watt and 3 27 watt cfls in a 2x2x2 space with a oscilating fan and it stays 76/72 also have the air on so that helps as well, good luck:peace:

Also LST your plants, go easy at first dont try to get all crazy by tiein em down, lil by lil and you'll be fine, Im in my first week of flowering and Im still LST them
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Active Member
yeah thats what i need. i do have a fan on with fresh air coming in. so what i need to get is a nother fan for exhaust. thanks.