New Idea For a Custom Setup

Ok, so this came to me in a "dream" last night

Pic related. its based off of the designs for major grow ops with plenty of space, but brought down to a micro level, not sure if it has been tried, or the pros and cons to it.

Basically, instead of having large, 5 gallon buckets, setup to grow huge plants, u get smaller buckets, where the netpots will be closer to the water from the very begining(so roots dont have to develope as much) as well as an airated solution and seperate(ecosystem) inside each bucket...

Were thinking keep it simple stupid, with a simple pvp feed like to the bottom bucket, setup on a timer so it will fill, then drain back out the same hole when the timer is off to give the roots pure o2. there is a drain line about 1 inch under the bottom of the netpot so the water never overflows.

The system will be setup in a "closet" grow, under a 400w switchable light.

idealy i want 2 have 2 rooms across from each otehr, a veg and bud, this setup in the bud and an ebb-n-flow in the veg where the plants will start out in the net pots and easly be dropped in the buckets...

the picture on the right is IDEALY what i want my plants to look like so sog clearly.

any opinions on the idea? how long it will take, personal input, rep, feedback, were really going for a simple, high impact system, and i just got done with a single plant, 5gal, drip ring, huge airstone, and i VOUCH for bubble ponics, when the roots hit the water shit went CRAZY>

please message back.


Also, would like it to eventually be a perpetual system, right side of the closet be the veg room with clone box under the table, left side be veg, set off the rotation of plants, and hopefully harvest a few plants every 2 or 3 weeks.