New Jersey Growers

I will not be able to start any grow until i move into my house which will be a while but i will sub this and certainly add when i do. Sadly i hear very little from NJ growers and our states marijuana laws are spawned directly from the devil. Our sleeze governer wants to put every medical marijuana patient in a VERY strict quantity based state regulated database.

One question i have is, do any other med-mari states do this or is this a NJ thing, becuase other than out intolerance for this medicine, i rather enjoy living here.
We do have zero tolerance for the plant, it comprises a large portion of petty arrests in my area.
Still a good state for cultivation, fertile soils and plenty of streams and rivers.
I'm curious as to the detection methods... how vigorously it is patrolled. I certainly had some nice plants last season.
between the green and the blue is where i will be. I too need to wait to move. I am excited because it is much warmer climate than where i am currently located.
We do have zero tolerance for the plant, it comprises a large portion of petty arrests in my area.
Still a good state for cultivation, fertile soils and plenty of streams and rivers.
I'm curious as to the detection methods... how vigorously it is patrolled. I certainly had some nice plants last season.

I am not so sure about how authorities detect grow ops in NJ. I do know that more than likely it would be somone who lives near you like a nosey neighbor. I have heard in some larger areas where the cops feel it is more of a "problem" they sometimes use overhead thermal detection. Not positive though....Maybe i saw it in a movie haha?
I think the nosey neighbor is the main problem. Also, people from south jersey are outdoors people. you would think that because a lot of the state is concrete people are oblivious when it comes to being in the woods. I walked miles and miles looking for a spot and when i thought i found it there was a tree stand overlooking the area. you just have to literally tell no one and don't burn your trimmings in your wood stove in the middle of a heavily populated area haha. that is how the biggest bust in nj history went down a couple years ago.
I think the nosey neighbor is the main problem. Also, people from south jersey are outdoors people. you would think that because a lot of the state is concrete people are oblivious when it comes to being in the woods. I walked miles and miles looking for a spot and when i thought i found it there was a tree stand overlooking the area. you just have to literally tell no one and don't burn your trimmings in your wood stove in the middle of a heavily populated area haha. that is how the biggest bust in nj history went down a couple years ago.

Can you provide a link to that story? I'd really like to investigate/read about it.

And I totally agree. With majority of the population adapted to concrete jungles and climate controlled suburban housing it helps braving the bugs, bush, and thorn thickets to tend a stealthy crop.

Edit: Article found ---
i went to my spot today and i saw a big ass hunting tent in a tree. got me really spooked. Dont know if i should change my spot??
i went to my spot today and i saw a big ass hunting tent in a tree. got me really spooked. Dont know if i should change my spot??

Fuck yea I would change your spot. Hunters do all sorts of inspecting the bush around their stand. Find a place very inaccessible to animals and people, the path of most resistance.
yeah change it, there will be someone around for sure, especially if they care enough to get set up this early.
yeah change it, there will be someone around for sure, especially if they care enough to get set up this early.

yah, i agree with the other two.. if they have a stand setup this early, it probably means that they will be around scoping out the animals and shit if not working on a nice food plot for them as well which i'd probably put money on the fact that they are..
Some kids around here ride there go cart through the corn field the other day.. Went back and found 5 buckets filled with some decent soil.. Let's see what these kids are plotting, Maybe if it works out I'll just take the plants inside? The property is mine
Some kids around here ride there go cart through the corn field the other day.. Went back and found 5 buckets filled with some decent soil.. Let's see what these kids are plotting, Maybe if it works out I'll just take the plants inside? The property is mine

i wouldn't do that kinda shit.. i'd be pissed if someone ganked my shit, but it would probably be pretty fun to let them know that you knew what was up, leaving them notes like your being watched and shit like that.. they may even abandon them after you do that, lol..
Sit there one morning with your dog and shotgun and yell "Get off my property!!!" lol. Don't get busted for someone else's shit.
Sit there one morning with your dog and shotgun and yell "Get off my property!!!" lol. Don't get busted for someone else's shit.

Haha, I guerilla it up pineybob, so all my plants are located on who knows what land. The DEA knows this though, its why they need substantial evidence to link it to the right person.
but if you grow in someone's corn field there is always the chance of running into a land owner, his dog, and his shotgun haha (hypothetically speaking).