New Jersey Legalized Recreational!

Yay! Montana did too...Actually, did all of the legalization initiatives pass? I think they did. Congrats!
Thank Scotts Miracle Grow. They were the biggest funders of the effort. I guess they're not the enemy so many seem to think they are.

Scotts Miracle-Gro, which has a cannabis-focused division called Hawthorne Gardening Company, is the primary supporter of the pro-legalization campaign, giving $800,000 between the two committees, mostly to Building Stronger Communities.

I wonder if they release prisoners and or expunge records of anyone convicted of mj related “crimes”...Doubtful. I see a path ahead for corporations to reap all the benefits while everyone who came before them gets the shaft. It will probably still be illegal to grow/manufacture cannabis forcing people to purchase over priced sub standard taxed out cannabis. But hey it’s a step forwardish. :wall:
I wonder if they release prisoners and or expunge records of anyone convicted of mj related “crimes”...Doubtful. I see a path ahead for corporations to reap all the benefits while everyone who came before them gets the shaft. It will probably still be illegal to grow/manufacture cannabis forcing people to purchase over priced sub standard taxed out cannabis. But hey it’s a step forwardish. :wall:
Yeah, highly doubtful they will expunge anyone or release anyone. As stupid as cannabis laws are they are still laws so it is difficult to say you knowingly broke the law and were convicted but now we will let it go because the laws changed. Would be nice but there are still too many reefer madness morons in the world. At least it is a step in the right direction. I for one am too old to have some tight assed politician decide what I can or cannot do to myself.
I wonder if they release prisoners and or expunge records of anyone convicted of mj related “crimes”...Doubtful. I see a path ahead for corporations to reap all the benefits while everyone who came before them gets the shaft. It will probably still be illegal to grow/manufacture cannabis forcing people to purchase over priced sub standard taxed out cannabis. But hey it’s a step forwardish. :wall:
our Gov Polis did that for thousands of MJ related misdemeanors not too long ago.
our Gov Polis did that for thousands of MJ related misdemeanors not too long ago.
It would be nice, my hopes go out to all those there who have been screwed by these archaic babysitter laws. Doesn't the Statue of Liberty face away from New Jersey? Seriously though, I really do wish they do pardon such things. They did here in Canada but it was only for people caught with the smallest amounts. If they caught you with an oz or more their stance was you were still screwed.
It would be nice, my hopes go out to all those there who have been screwed by these archaic babysitter laws. Doesn't the Statue of Liberty face away from New Jersey? Seriously though, I really do wish they do pardon such things. They did here in Canada but it was only for people caught with the smallest amounts. If they caught you with an oz or more their stance was you were still screwed.
totally agree. Reagan and his 3 strikes and out rule was wrong on so many levels. luckily here in CO we are very progressive thinking and this Gov Polis is really awesome. the GOP hate him b/c he's openly gay (of course!)
totally agree. Reagan and his 3 strikes and out rule was wrong on so many levels. luckily here in CO we are very progressive thinking and this Gov Polis is really awesome. the GOP hate him b/c he's openly gay (of course!)
Some people are just fucked in the head to say the least. Openly gay, lol. Of all the reasons I can think to dislike a person, skin color or sexual orientation do not even make the list. In this day and age one has to wonder why anyone gives a rats ass if someone is gay. Or if their skin has a different pigment then your own due to where their ancestors hailed from. Skin color is a result of geography and sexual preference is just hard wired into you. These are not things to be considered in my opinion but hey, what do I know.
Some people are just fucked in the head to say the least. Openly gay, lol. Of all the reasons I can think to dislike a person, skin color or sexual orientation do not even make the list. In this day and age one has to wonder why anyone gives a rats ass if someone is gay. Or if their skin has a different pigment then your own due to where their ancestors hailed from. Skin color is a result of geography and sexual preference is just hard wired into you. These are not things to be considered in my opinion but hey, what do I know.
i'm with ya. pretty sad but that's kinda human nature. think about almost all the wars in all of history: either color of skin or religion.