New laws took effect 7/1 in CO. Want a good laugh? Read this!


So, it's been a few days since the new operating rules have been set down by the Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division. For us the rules are a source of frustration, and laughter.
Here are some of the rules we must abide by:

A patient can designate a center (MMC) as its new caregiver, but if that patient has previously designated an MMC as its caregiver previous to us and wants to change from them, we need to contact the other MMC and ask if the plants that were counting towards that patient have been harvested yet.

Any person growing privately for a patient as a caregiver, must notify to the state the location of their grow, and said grow must comply with all zoning laws for the municipality they are growing within. (if your blooming 12 plants for you and your buddy in your basement legally, you must disclose this to your city now.)

I must record the wet and dry weight of the plants stems, leaves and flowers within view of a video camera during harvest. and processing (yes, wet fan leaves gotta be weighed!)

My application to be a worker in a marijuana related buisness and my results from the state background and financial information investigation can be accessed by law enforcement at anytime without notifying me.

I need to wear my state badge whenever I am at work. ($50 fine)

You must allow the state access to your video surveillance via internet connection 24hrs a day.

When transporting from the grow to the store you must fill out a form and fax to the state the following info:
1. Name of the licensed entity;
2. Date completed;
3. Name, location and license number of the origination location;
4. Name, location and license number of the destination(s)
5. Products and quantities being delivered to each location if more
than one;
6. Date and approximate time of departure;
7. Date and estimated time of arrival;
8. Route to be traveled;
9. Vehicle make and model, together with license plate number
10. Name and signature of the licensed person transporting

11. Date.

Stems or plant waste must be disposed of by rendering it unusable i.e grind it up and toss with used grease, soil or office waste.

No licensee shall sell, transfer or give away any medical marijuana that does
not contain a label with a list of all ingredients, including all chemical
additives, including but not limited to nonorganic pesticides, herbicides, and
fertilizers that were used in its cultivation and production.
We must now label GROWN WITH NITROGEN or SOLUBLE POTASH plus all other fertilizers on the labels of our medicine not less than 1/16th inch print when sold. (stupid I know... Are the fruits and veggies at your grocery store labeled with all the fertilizers and pesticides used to grow them?)

This is just a teaser of some of the rules we follow. I don't have time to reread and post the hundreds of pages that relate to this biz, but thought you all could enjoy a laugh and see how strict we are watched while other industries in Colorado like funeral homes have no employee/ state licensing or mandatory background checks.

I wrote this to show that not only do we have to deal with the pages of rules that to people in the industry may seem silly and over the top, but also that Deputy Attorney General James Cole's memo issued last week that related to people "who are in the business of cultivating, selling or distributing marijuana and those who knowingly facilitate such activities" are in violation of federal law, regardless of their state laws, putting added pressure on us that we could face federal time for playing by the rules. Especially when it was worded as it was:

"Such persons are subject to federal enforcement action, including potential prosecution."

Sucks knowing that I could be charged at any time for helping patients with cancer, or M.S. get themselves off those pills that make them sick, effect their quality of life with side effects, and potentially kill them. Especially when those drug companies have Gulfstream G550s, billions a year in revenue, teams of lawyers, and lobbyist working hard for them.


Well-Known Member
Make sure you dot those i's and cross those t's because in regulation, legislation and taxation, paperwork is everything.


Well-Known Member
They are now trying to track from seed to finished product in the MMJ dispensaries

if you want a new a have to aquire it from seed now and register buying or trading clones between stores

every strain/plant is now taged with a id ### on it to be tracked

you can trade finished product with other stores but you have to call a 1-800 # to get permission/ a code # ...they must issue us a ## before you trade any product ...if they dont want to your screwed.

All stores have to grow their own more buying overages from patients or other stores

Yes trying to regulate the industry sucks.

In the end the Feds can still slam all of us.... even though they are allowing 55 big phara companies to grow it legally for the Feds and they have a patent on MMJ till 2021

Just make sure you give up your money in taxes and start up fees the state and feds impose... then wait for them to bust your door in